Chapter 23

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MDA: Ch. 23


I was setting up the basic essentials in my temporary room at the pack house. Dad said we were going to put the plan into action in three days time. He wanted to plant some clues or whatnot. I honestly don't see the point, the guy knows I'm coming anyway. A knock at the door stops me from putting the last of my clothes away.

"Come in." I say softly. I've felt tired ever since that meeting yesterday. I couldn't sleep properly and all I could keep thinking about was that guy and what he would do to me. Not only that, but also how he could even be related to Alistair. You know, the guy who killed my kind?


My eyes snap up at the sound of Lionel's voice. I smile at him at first, but then notice his stance and my smile drops. He slowly comes in and shuts the door behind him, he eyes shielded. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up fully, my back cracking. I wince and rub it slightly as Lionel marches towards me.

"Lionel? What's wrong?" I ask worriedly. He comes to a stop right in front of me and grabs my shoulders in a firm grip. What in the world?

"Clarissa, I will not let you give yourself up to this monster. I will die before I let you get into his filthy hands." Lionel growls fiercely, his eyes flicking from his gorgeous blue to midnight black. He's struggling with his wolf, that much is clear.

I sigh and drop my head out of exhaustion. Why can't everyone lay off? Jett and Dylan came in here last night to talk to me, well more like lecture, and even Declan came in to speak to me, again I mean lecture. Now I have Lionel on my back!

"Lionel I've already made my decision." I state softly. I step out of his grip to sit on my newly made bed and put my head in my hands. Can't people see I'm struggling already? Why do they have to make that struggle ten times worse? I don't know what's going to happen to me and that's period. Why can't people just let me think?

"Clarissa! You don't know this guy! You don't how evil he really is! He's... He's ruthless and he won't hesitate to kill you. He'll manipulate you, take what you love most and never give it back. He won't take mercy." Lionel grinds through his clenched teeth.

"You don't think I know that?" I ask quietly. I lift my head and visibly show my exhaustion to him. Does everyone in this world think I'm an idiot? Seriously?

"Plus," I add, "How would you know? Sounds like you've had first hand experience with the guy."

Of course, I know I'm joking, but Lionel's eyes widen and his mouth parts like I've just uncovered his deepest, darkest secret. I narrow my eyes at him and stand up slowly. That was not the reaction I was expecting. Far from it.

"Lionel? What aren't you telling me? What do you know?" I question suspiciously. I take slow steps towards him until I can feel his ragged breathing fanning over my face. I try to not let myself be lost in his amazing scent, but it's so bloody hard. I scold my wolf for going all wolfy and push her into the back of my mind.

I stare straight into Lionel's eyes and just watch and wait for an emotion to pass over him. He too just stands there and stares back into my own eyes. Gosh his eyes are so beautiful... No! Stop! Not what we're looking at right now. Then, the one emotion I was praying that wouldn't appear in his eyes did: guilt.


His eyes shined with guilt.

I stepped back and shook my head, my silly mind jumping to all sorts of conclusions. He really isn't an alpha, maybe he was the one that killed his parents, maybe he's the one planning to kill me, maybe he's working with this guy, maybe he's been lying this whole time, maybe-

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