Chapter 9

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MDA: Ch. 9


I watch with wide eyes as Lionel stops a mere metre away from my mum. Mum mirrors my expression of uncertainty, but I can't see Lionel's and that makes me nervous.

"It's Celina Night now, actually." Mum says cautiously, not moving her eyes or body away from Lionel.

"Either way, it is an absolute honour to meet you." Lionel says with such a sincere voice that even I'm a little taken back.

I will my legs to move and stand next to him. His face is alight with amazement and wonder as he gazes at my mum. Come to think of it, I've never seen my mum meet a new person, so this is an interesting moment for me. I wonder if the way Lionel is reacting to mum is why she never meets someone new.

"Well, it's an equal honour to meet my daughter's mate." Mum finally says with a smile, still looking very cautious, but hiding. It well under her golden eyes. An awkward silence settles in after that. I grip Lionel's hand in mine and squeeze it for reassurance. I don't why, but I can almost feel his anxiety about standing in a room with my mum. He's so excited to meet her though, so why the anxiety?

"So... Um..." I mutter awkwardly, running the hand that wasn't gripping Lionel's own through my hair.

"Have you decided about the dinner Lionel?" Mum asks, cutting in on my nervous stuttering. Lionel looks down at me with a look in his eyes. Once again, I recognise it as guilt. I'm getting really frustrated about all of this guilt he's been showing. Why is he guilty about a family dinner!

I raise my eyebrows at him and gesture my head towards my mum. He's not answering to me anymore, he's answering to mum. Lionel clears his throat nervously before looking up at mum.

"Uh... I would love to come to a family dinner, Mrs Night." Lionel says respectfully, but I can still feel his anxiety. Mum nods her head before saying a brief goodbye and walking calmly out of the room.

Mum's voice immediately sounds through my mind as soon as she leaves the room, 'Clarissa, I don't won't you being alone with him after tonight. He's... strange.'

Strange? He's my mate, he would never hurt me. Unless everything mum has ever told me has been a lie.

'Can we talk about this later?' I ask quietly, running a hand through my hair. Again. Mum's reply doesn't come for a long time, but she finally replies with a quiet 'ok', reminding me I'll be talking with dad too.

I zone out of my mind and back to Lionel who's still staring at the door mum just walked out of with wonderment. It's like... he's seen a goddess or something.

"I never thought your mum would be so..." Lionel trails off, still unmoving.

"Beautiful? Hypnotic?" I offer, walking to sit on my bed. Lionel seems to snap out of whatever trance he's in and turns to stare at me.

"Not as beautiful or hypnotic as you." He tells me with a truthful smile. I blush at his words and duck my head. Lionel comes to sit next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Tell me something about you." I demand quietly, positioning myself so that I'm leaning against the headboard. Lionel also makes himself comfortable in the chair.

"What do you want to know?" He asks casually, sinking further into the chair. I smile and tap my chin, but I already know what I want to ask.

"Well, you know about my family, but I don't know about yours." I hint, not really asking the question I want to. Lionel tenses at my question, his eyes becoming blank. I half expected guilt to flash through his eyes, but no, they remained empty.

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