Chapter 4

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MDA: Ch. 4


I curse loudly just as her eyes roll into the back of her head. What the flaming hell is she doing here! She's supposed to be at lunch like everyone else!

"Get her out of here. If anyone sees her out cold, shit's gonna fly." My boss states calmly, glaring coldly down at the girl in my arms. I return his cold glare, but quickly blink to distract myself. I can't glare at my boss! He can literally send me six feet under! There's a lot of people in this world who I can happily kill and threaten, but my boss is definitely not one of those people. 

"I'll take her to the woods, she'll be safe there." I mummer. I gather her up in my arms bridal style and start walking towards a fire exit. I quickly walk through the woods, glancing behind me every five seconds to make sure no one jumps out at me. You never know what's lurking behind the next corner. The unknown.

She starts to stir in my arms, snuggling her face into my chest. I smile slightly. She's so adorable... So innocent...

I shake my head and growl. She's not adorable. She's... She's just not adorable dammit!

"Lionel." She whispers in her sleep. I raise an eyebrow. Really? That's so cute. Wait- no!

I groan again, stopping near a large tree a fair way away from the school. I gently place her down, using the tree as a support for her back. I retract my arms from her, but I don't miss the slight whimper that passes through her pink lips.

* * *


"I'm gonna go check on Lis, she seemed really out of it during the fire drill." I mumble to the guys. They all nod their heads in understanding while Dylan stands to his feet.

"I'll come with you." Dylan states, walking around the table to stand next to me.

"Hey, can you tell Kelsey that she's doing the dishes tonight? I don't feel like doing them." Kelsey's twin brother, Jackson, says, casually putting a chip in his mouth. Unlike Kelsey, Jackson has actually kept his naturally dark blonde hair. They share the same chocolate brown eyes and facial aspects, but one thing they don't share is personality. Jackson is a lot more laid back and doesn't get fired up as easily whereas Kelsey is... Well, the complete opposite really.

"Yeah, sure thing." I say distractedly. Dylan and I continue to walk silently.

I can't get that rouge's eyes out of my head! He was looking at me like he knew all my darkest and dirtiest secrets. It put me on high alert. Is anyone else with him? He was standing dangerously close to Lis too when I first spotted him. Thankfully, Clarissa had enough sense to push him away. In all truth, that's why I wanted to check on her. Just to make sure she was ok after the whole rouge encounter. Lis can handle herself, I know that. Dylan and I are her big brothers though, so we have a right to worry and protect.

"What do you think about the rouge?" I question Dylan, tucking my hands in my front pockets casually. I speak quietly, not wanting to alarm the other wolves. The last thing we need is a panic on our hands.

"I didn't say anything, but it seemed like he was getting close and personal with Lis." Dylan growls, his fists clenching. Dylan may always seem to be fun and games, but when something serious comes up, it's all business.

"I noticed that too, but I don't think-" I cut off what I was going to say when Lis's table comes into view and she's not there. I quicken my pace as does Dylan.

Kelsey spots us coming and rolls her eyes. I have to keep in my growl at the lack of respect. Kelsey's never really respected us at all. Sure, she loves Lis, but I'm pretty sure she loathes us. There's just always been something off about her, but I could never put my finger on it.

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