Chapter 12

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MDA: Ch. 12


A few hours later and the door to the room opens. All four members of my family struggle their way through the small door. I sigh as Jett and Dylan get stuck before dad gives them a rough shove. I close my eyes and rest my head against the padded wall behind me. I must have the weirdest family of all time.

"Clarissa! Oh my princess! Are you ok?" Mum rushes out. I feel her hands grip both sides of my face, squishing my lips like a fish. I open my eyes and nod as best as I can with mum's death grip. Mum releases a huge breath and engulfs me in a hug. I glance over her shoulder to raise my eyebrows at Dylan.

"You weren't in the safe house, so mum freaked out a little." Dylan admits, shrugging slightly. Mum pulls back and looks at my face, her eyes searching every inch.

"I'm glad you're ok." Mum whispers before pulling back. I smile at her reassuringly. She stands up and walks over to dad, burying her head in his chest. They exchange some quiet words before dad nods and sighs. I stay securely in my place on the floor. I've been bored for the last few hours and I'm really not in the mood to get up just yet. My legs are a bit numb anyway.

"Clarissa, we need to talk." Dad finally says after a few minutes of silence. I rest my head on my hands to look into his stern eyes.

"Yeah we do. Mind telling me how mum can fly?" I question boldly. Mum stiffens in dad's arm and spins around to face me with wide eyes.

"How about enlightening us on not only how mum can fly, but how she can control weather and suck the life out of plants? Hmm?" I ask calmly, finally moving from my sitting position to standing. With great difficulty I might add... Sitting for hours on end is not good for you or your legs.

Jett and Dylan move their eyes from me to mum, looking like those carnival clowns. I cock my hip to the side and cross my arms in front of my chest. I raise an eyebrow as I continue to stare into mum's worried eyes. I swear, I've been having the weirdest mood swings lately. I mean, what happened to the quiet girl who only spoke when necessary?

"Uh- I... We-" Mum stutters, motioning between her and dad. I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I whisper slightly hurt. Jett and Dylan still look confused beyond hell, so I quickly tell them what I know.

"Basically, before mum became impregnated with us, dad taught her how to control her powers. Powers, of which, we don't have any clue about because they've been keeping it from us." I accuse, clicking my tongue at the end. Dylan furrows his eyebrows, still looking very confused. Jett on the other hand seems to have everything clicked in his head because he looks furious.

"So that book that I found when I was younger, the one you said was childish nonsense, that was actually all true?" Jett fumes, but his words only make me confused.

"Book? What book?" I question while glancing a Dylan to see if he knows what Jett's going on about. If anything, Dylan looks even more confused than before.

"The History of the Shaded Wolves." Jett grits out. My eyes widen, but not out of shock, more out of question. What the hell is that?

"Now listen, we didn't want to tell you three because we had hoped that you would never have to use the powers. We never taught you about them becau-" Mum begins to say, but I cut her off.

"Wait. Are you saying that we, Jett, Dylan and I, have powers? Like, actual powers?" I ask shocked. Mum's eyes widen when she realises her mistake. Dad looks down at her slightly annoyed, but tightens his arms around her all the same.

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