Chapter 3

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MDA: Ch. 3


I watch her from the shelter of the trees as she stares up at the moon. She's so beautiful... Her white hair shines in the moonlight and her golden eyes twinkle like the stars above. How can anything ever be so beautiful? She suddenly closes her eyes and whispers ever-so silently, I almost don't catch it, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift so be thankful and hold your head up high because you don't have time to cry."

She disappears after that, leaving to go to bed. I stand there as my brown wolf, waiting, just in case she decides to come back out. She doesn't.

I take off in the forest, discreetly staying in the shadows of the trees to stay undetected. I must admit, for something so rare, she lives up to the expectations of a rare beauty. She has the look of an angel, one that has a heart of gold and a mind as innocent a baby.

Such a shame I have to kill her.

* * *


Let me tell you, having only three hours sleep before your second day of school sucks big time. I still couldn't get to sleep even after I spoke with Mum. My thoughts were still consumed with Lionel and Lionel only. I eventually got to sleep at four in the morning, but had to wake up a mere three hours later to get ready for school.

Sitting at the table eating my cereal, I almost slam my face in it three times by almost falling asleep! Three times! Jett and Dylan keep glancing at me with worried eyes. They laughed the first time, but hey, what brothers wouldn't?

"Lis, are you ok?" Jett asks as I almost fall asleep in my cereal again.

I raise my eyebrows to open my eye a little as I answer him, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sleep deprived."

He doesn't question me further as he continues to eat his own cereal. I give up on mine, standing up to take it to the sink. I go through my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, doing my hair and finally choosing what to wear. It takes a lot longer than usual because of my state of mind.

I begin walking down the stairs just as mum opens her mouth to yell at us to hurry up.

Loud footsteps comes hurrying down the stairs and even in my deprived sleep state, I press my back against the stair railing so that I don't get pummeled by my brothers storming down the stairs. At least I still have some sense...

"We're here! We're here! Don't yell at us!" Dylan screams once he gets to the bottom of the stairs, Jett hot on his heels. I roll my eyes at the two as Mum just stares at them with her mouth agape. I slowly make my way back the stairs with a big, but silent, yawn.

I lean against Jett and close my eyes. Jett wraps an arm around my shoulders, resting his chin on my head, since he's tall enough to be the Eiffel tower. I smile slightly. I love how I have a close relationship with my brothers, even if they are total nincompoops most of the time.

"Princess, are you sure you want to go to school?" Mum asks as she places a hand on my forehead. I open my eyes to stare into her own golden ones, seeing my tired reflection shining in them.

"Mum, I'm just a little tired, not sick." I explain, putting myself back on my own weight. Jett's arm drops and I feel myself missing the source of comfort. It's so much nicer when other people carry you around sometimes.

"Who's sick?" Dad's voice asks as he walks in through the door leading out to the backyard. I sigh and run my hands down my face.

"No one's sick. Lis is just a bit tired, that's all." Jett tells him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder again, this time Dylan joining him. I must look like a twig in between my brothers since they're both so big and tall and I'm... well not.

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