Chapter 2

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MDA: Ch. 2


I sort of just stand there for a few minutes. He said my name was beautiful... It seems so surreal that Lionel is my mate, like a dream. It's funny because I've always wanted my mate after I was 25, but now that I have him... I don't know. Sure, it would've been nice to discover Lionel after I had properly matured and you know, gotten some assets, but it's comforting to know that he's here, in my life. You know?

How will I tell my parents? My brothers? This revelation scares me half to death. I know Mum will be absolutely ecstatic with the news, but dad, Jett and Dylan not so much. They'll murder Lionel before I even get a chance to introduce him! I don't want my mate dead! My mate... Huh, that's sounds nice.

I'm taken out of my frozen and slightly panicked state when my brother's familiar voice fills my head, 'Lis? You ok? You're not home yet.'

I role my eyes at Jett's protectiveness. Of course I'm not home yet dummy, I'm standing in the middle of the woods freaking out because I found my mate and you'll probably kill him as soon as you find out about him. Why wouldn't I be home?

I don't mind link that to him, instead I just say, 'Yeah, I'm good. I'm a few minutes away. I was taking my time.'

Taking my time alright, more like not wanting to go home.

I will my legs to move while my mind wanders to a total other universe that revolves around Lionel. It's funny really, the only thing I know about him is his name and I'm infatuated with him. I've never really agreed with how the Moon Goddess has set up mates to fall in love instantly. It actually infuriates me a little bit. I mean, I'm sure we're capable of finding our own love, just like humans! Like, seriously, are we that hopeless? I guess I shouldn't really bag her out though, she is my grandma.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I trip over my own two feet, almost face planting the dirt floor. I blink rapidly, zoning back into reality. I look up and notice that I'm standing in front of our house. I sigh, great, I'm home.

Is it bad I'd rather be with Lionel?

I trudge to the front door and open it slowly. My shoulders slump slightly as I glance around at the off white walls. They're scattered with photos of Mum and Dad, uncle Comrade, Callum, us triplets and pretty much everyone else we know. It's like the hall of fame! Truly! It's always comforted me to look at the photos across the walls. It's like they tell me that no matter what is thrown at us, we'll make it through with courage and determination.

"Clarissa? Is that you?" A deep voice rumbles through the house sounding both worried and annoyed at the same time. I don't know how Dad manages to do that, but he does.

"Yes Dad, it's me." I say quietly, walking into the lounge room where I know he is. He's always in the lounge room at this time of day. He has this thing where he waits for us, me, to walk through the door after school. I'm his precious gem that he doesn't want to scratch or let go off, no matter what fortune is offered to him. Yet, he lets Jett and Dylan roam the earth like a pair of kings! Which is quite ironic because they sort of are.

"Why are you home so late? Why weren't you with the boys? Why do you smell funny?" Dad shoots off question after question as he stands from his previous position on the couch, his nose scrunching up slightly.

Dad's quite intimidating if you don't know him. His massive, built body and those steely, silver eyes pierce straight through you like a knife. His white hair though, that just always use to make me laugh when I was little. I used to say he looked old because it was white. Now it just suits him. I couldn't imagine my dad with black hair and Mum with white. They just wouldn't be the same.

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