Chapter 1

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MDA: Ch. 1


"If you three don't hurry up this second, you aren't getting dessert tonight!" The familiar voice of my mum screams up the stairs and into my room.

"Two seconds!"

"I haven't had breakfast yet!"

I chuckle quietly at my two brothers' responses. Always the ones to be late. Although, I shouldn't really be talking...

I quickly swipe my rose coloured lipgloss over my lips, grab my bag and head down the stairs at a steady, but quickened, pace.

For those who don't know me, my name's Clarissa Rosemary Night, youngest and only daughter of the amazing spectacle of shaded wolves, also known as my parents. I'm more of the shy one in the family, only speaking when necessary. I don't really mind though, Jett and Dylan usually do all the talking.

"Ready." I state quietly when I come to the bottom of the stairs and see my mum tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. She stops when she sees me and smiles, coming to give me a hug. I must say, I think my mum favours me over us triplets. After all, I don't give her a lot of crap. I leave that up to Jett and Dylan, mainly Dylan. I'm the quiet one, Dylan's the cause of mayhem and Jett's the more... grounded one.

"You excited about going into grade 12? It's gonna be a new experience!" Mum's overeager voice asks. I chuckle quietly and nod my head. Mum never got to experience schooling, so I guess she's excited for us three to finish what she never started. Not soon after that, two pairs of thundering footsteps come tumbling down the stairs, almost landing as a heap on the floor.

"Where have you two been?" Mum questions sternly, glancing at the watch on her wrist. "It's quarter past eight!"

Jett and Dylan look sheepish for a second before eloping Mum in hug from both sides. She struggles for a few seconds, but eventually gives in, saying, "Damn you boys."

I chuckle again, starting to make my way out the door when two sets of arms wrap around my waist and drag me into a squashing, bear hug. I laugh happily as Jett and Dylan squeeze me tightly.

"If anyone, specifically guys, try to talk to you, come get us. Ok, Lis?" Jett mumbles in my ear as they squeeze me even harder.

"Can't... Breath!" I try to say, but they get the gist and release me from their power hold.

"Ok, Clarissa?" Dylan repeats this time, raising his eyebrows at me sternly. Ooo... Full name.

"Ok, I'll come find you guys." I say quietly, ducking my head and letting my snow white hair fall over my face. Stupid, protective brothers. I see the two from behind my hair looking triumphant, a half smile gracing my face. Gotta love 'em, that's all I can say.

"Ok! Be safe while driving you three. Love you!" Mum yells as we all pile into Jett's P plate car. I think It's quite funny really, the future alpha driving a P plate car. Mind you, it doesn't make the car any less expensive. It's some sort of big and how ever many thousand dollar car that I still don't know the name of. I don't really care to tell you the truth.

As we start to drive off, Dylan turns around in his seat to face me. I cock my head to the side as I observe him. He's got the same silver eyes as me with the same amount of gold clearly swirling in them. He has Mum's black hair, which I find quite ironic as usually the damsel in distress has the angelic features of white, but he has Dad's build.

"Yes Dylan?" I ask skeptically, raising both my brows as a small smirk twitches at my lips.

"You excited to be a senior?" Dylan asks, his usual coolness setting over him. To tell ya that truth, Dylan's a play boy. He has the looks, the charm and the title to gain any girls attention. I know he's no innocent and certainly no virgin. I may be quiet, but I'm not oblivious.

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