Chapter 19- Lente

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and again when

the Moon

casts her brilliance all over earth,

the Stars

soften the blaze of their



"Oh, Susan- hello-"

"I came to apologise." Susan cut off her sister-in-law, her hands clasped tight behind her back.

Sanya's expression turned to bewildered from harried- Jem had had a nightmare and had been crying for hours, much to Edmund and she's despair- and she asked blankly, "For what?"

"About Rabadash." The elder Queen answered stiffly. "I should never have invited him-"

"Of course you should've, you thought he was your friend." Sanya appreciated the apology, but it was unnecessary and not Susan's fault and she had more important things to deal with right then- not to mention, she was trying to ignore that entire event. "You couldn't have known about our- about his history with me. It isn't your fault, Susan."

Susan's eyes sparkled even more than usual, with unshed tears in them as she heard the words. "But- I should've asked permission- given an advanced warning-"

"Why?" She returned, perturbed. "You don't need to give notice to anyone about what you want to do. You're a Queen, and even if you weren't, everyone should have the liberty to do what they desire to."

"You're a wise one." She chuckled wetly. "Thank you."

"Oh, not really, just speaking the truth. And I read." Sanya laughed as she waved her off. "And- I know I threatened to slit his throat, but Rabadash might not be completely evil. He seemed quite- not awful when he was with you."
She felt bad- it was because of her own past with him that their burgeoning relationship had been ruined. Well, not her fault exactly, but she had been the one to bring it out.

But it had been Edmund who had actually revealed it to everyone.

Ugh. Too much thinking.

"I cannot think that." Susan shook her head. "I shall have to maintain cordial relations with him, for the sake of Narnia, even if I don't want to anymore, but any chance of a political alliance via marriage is gone."

Her sister-in-law really didn't know what to say to that- you're welcome? I'm sorry? Political alliances via marriage are overrated- but she remembered who was in the room trying to tend to and help Jem, and started, "Oh- speaking of marriage... there is one good thing to come out of this debacle."

The Gentle smiled knowingly, "Yes, we all are glad to hear that. So, I shall leave you to it, I'm sure Edmund's already missing you."

Her blush deepened, "Only because we've been trying to calm Jem down- unsuccessfully-"

Susan raised an eyebrow at her, "Only?"

Now a grin, which had recently decided to take up residence on her lips whenever her husband or marriage was brought up, joined the blush. "Well. Perhaps not only."

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