Chapter 30- Amor Vincit Omnia

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Amor Vincit Omnia


Love Conquers All


and ever since

i have been mad with the sting of love.


"Can you conjure up a few buckets of holy water?"

"You told Jem that my breasts are soft pillows?"



Edmund and Sanya stared at each other.

"Alright, I'm just going to leave, then." Peter piped up from the doorway and then strode away at once, closing the door- he had no wish to hear a clearly awkward conversation between the married couple- but not before saying, "As soon as possible, Ed, remember!"

"Jem told you-"

"Yes, he's a blabbermouth like me, apparently." Sanya rolled her eyes.

"Did he say what we were talking about-" Oh, this was NOT how Edmund Pevensie envisioned saying he- saying THAT to his wife.

"He would've, but he got too engrossed in fairy tales." She crossed her arm over her bump. She had fully intended on asking him about the 'things he love' about her, but she wanted to know more about this holy water business. "What about holy water?"

And so he told her, about the fire in Orieus' veins feeling demonic, and that it was possible that the water she- a legacy of Poseidon- conjured up could heal him.

"That's stupider than I usually am." Was what she had to say. "Go to sleep, husband, you'll think clearer after a few hours of rest."

"Moonshine, he could die!" He frowned at her. "Come on- try?"

"How? I can't even make water MOVE- how am I supposed to make water out of thin air?" She turned away from him, and faced the bed. She should've just gone to sleep after putting Jem to bed.

"Didn't Aslan tell you to believe in yourself?" He should really know better than antagonising his very pregnant and very tired and very hormonal wife, but his concern for Orieus trumped everything.

"Easier said than done, darling!"

He ignored the tremor he felt at her calling him 'darling', since it was only as a mocking derision.

"If it's tied to your emotions-"

"Excuse you, I have no emotions." Sanya interrupted- despite it being quite obvious she was very emotional at that moment.

He ignored her, "Channel your frustration, everything and just-"

"It's not that easy!"

Now he was the one feeling frustrated, "Well, why NOT?"

“Because nothing in life is that easy, Edmund!” She yelled, though inwardly trying to calm herself down.
This couldn’t be good for the baby, she thought but her trying was utterly in vain.
“Come on, has anything been easy these last four years? Us meeting- me avoiding you- our marriage- well, then it was our alliance, and even now it’s not yet fully a marriage, me sulking and being depressed, you forgetting about my existence, even us having sex worked out awful, despite the sex being excellent- you asked me to marry you because you were in a romantic mood, and you’re sticking to that because I'm with child! Jem was- is- the only light in all this, and now this baby and this pregnancy which terrifies me every minute of every day- b-but the point is that us being parents was the only good thing- but even parenting has been hard! Just- come on, don’t be so optimistic, husband, nothing’s been easy for us, even if we ARE literal Royalty.”
She probably wasn’t even making much sense, her reasons being all disjointed- but it was what she felt.

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