Chapter 1- Momentum

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"Hades, know

love sends this gift to death"-

and bury me and go.


Sanya had been having a very pleasant afternoon.

She had no studies or sparring sessions that day- her teacher, General Ainaah, had left to visit his family for the week- and she had been permitted to go visit her horse, Moonlight (not that her mischievous nature was submissive to the rules- she was often found galloping through the woods despite specific demands not to do so) and she had also great fun frolicking with the mother hunting dog, Diana and her pups Ino, Penthe, Polyta, Niobe and Aegea (names all born from mythology, especially from the books she wore down at the spines, forever turning their pages).

She had even been allowed to wander in the Library rooms and the Gardens for as long as she wished, and in informal clothes too- she detested having to put on royal lehengas and anarkalis and ghagras just to go and walk around her own home.

She should've been suspicious from the start.

"Your Highness?" Someone called as Sanya was brushing through Moonlight's mane and she turned to see a middle-aged courtier, whom she knew to be named Kafzaan, a knowledge she had as he ofter worked with her father.

She curtsied politely, before asking, "Yes?"

"Her and His Majesty have summoned you to their chambers."

She blinked- usually her parents sent her hyperactive little brother in search of her (and he often obeyed with astounding eagerness, keeping everyone on their toes). An official summons was rare.
It was 'why' in the Rihaayan tongue.

"I have not been told the reason, Princess." Kafzaan's head was bowed as he spoke to her- which made Sanya roll her eyes. They were absolutely equal in standing, it was merely her job which was different and which distinguished her from others- distinguished, but not made superior. "Merely been commanded to inform you to go to their chambers at once."

Anxiety flared up inside of her- bubbling beneath the surface of her skin, worry. Her mind exhausted itself with possibilities as she forced herself to remain calm on the outside- were they alright? What could they want? Was everyone safe?

"Yes, I will." She nodded graciously, before turning to her horse and pressing a kiss on her muzzle. "Goodbye, light of my life."

And then she made her way to the inside of the Azraq palace as quickly as she could without running- though she soon wished she had taken a couple of centuries to reach.



Her mother frowned, "You can't just say no, Sanu."

"Yes, I can." Sanya said, snorting with laughter. They thought- she would- and she thought she was the joker of the family, ha!

"No, you cannot, and stop laughing. This isn't a matter of your approval-"

"Approval?" She practically shrieked, laughing forgotten. "This is the matter of my life! I get to approve and choose, and my choice to stay in this palace my whole life, as I have done for so long, and get married when I'm old and mature enough for children is the choice I approve of. Not this half-cocked idea you two've dreamt up."

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