Chapter 24- Cupla

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remember the many garlands of violets

and roses i placed next to you


the many flower necklaces i weaved

around your soft skin


"Your Majesty!" Trinus bowed his head- great horns curling out of his thick black hair- at his former chief.

"Trinus." Edmund smiled at him. "Well met."

"Indeed, sire. My happiest wishes of the day to your brother."

"And my heartiest congratulations on the engagement." He grinned. "I can't believe you never told me you were courting my old friend."

"Well, I try not to mix business with pleasure." He shrugged, before adding cautiously, "And my thanks for being open-minded about the union- and to your wife and siblings as well."

"Of course." He inclined his head gracefully. "And thank you for the invitation. We are all most delighted."

"You will be able to attend?"

"I'm certain Queen Lucy will drag us there with her bare hands even if we say we aren't able to, so yes, we will." He laughed, before touching his arm gently. "I'm really very happy for you, Trinus, and utmost proud."

The faun ducked his head, but when it rose, there was a blindingly happy smile on his face, "Thank you."


"Mr. Tumnus, this is Sanya-"

"We've met, sweet Lucy." Tumnus laughed as he extended his hand in greeting to the High Queen.

"Many times." Sanya added, shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm all of a dither!" Lucy exclaimed, glee in her voice and tone and eyes and smile. "You're getting married in two weeks- I'm really excited."

"I think you're looking forward to the wedding more than I am." The faun said, not even sure if he was joking.

"You think? I am sure." Sanya rolled her eyes, and Lucy gave her an offended look. "What? Last week you threw a tantrum because I said that there was a slight chance of it raining in June."

"I didn't want the wedding to be ruined!"

"The wedding is in May."

Lucy decided to ignore her sister-in-law's words, and turned to her friend again, "Well, Mr. Tumnus, you wanted to speak to Sanya?"

"Yes, I did." He turned to the young woman, who looked a little anxious at what he had to say. "I wished to convey my gratitude."

She blinked. "Er- you're welcome...but for what?"

“My apologies for this having been delayed so long- but, not long after it happened, Lucy told me what you said when she told you about our engagement-”

"Accidentally!" The Valiant cut in quickly.

"Yes, dear, accidentally." Tumnus said dotingly, before turning back to Sanya again. "I wanted to thank you, for what you said- about how it doesn't matter if a man wants a man, or a woman wants a woman- that love was love, no matter what."

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