Chapter 8- Fissum

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"Come with me."

Sanya looked up at Edmund, from where she was leaning against a tree trunk- the rest of the Pevensies asleep and snoring on the soft grass or against tree trunks. "I'm keeping watch, husband, please go to sleep."

"No." He extended his hand to her. "I want my wife to accompany me on a walk."

She smothered a silly smile, wondering why her heart was fluttering at him calling her his wife. She was meant to be indifferent to him- bitter towards their marriage- not feel like a schoolgirl with a stupid crush! Hell, she had been actively bitter and resentful about their union, she had been apathetic and almost discourteous towards him- what suddenly changed in these past few weeks to make her- to make her unconcerned about being married, and almost pleased that it was to him?
"Someone has to keep watch." She protested.

"I'm not taking you to Anvard or somewhere far, just a little way in."

"Inside the deep, dark forest?"

"Yes, indeed."

"In the middle of the night?"

"I know these woods-"

"Like you knew about the Sphinx?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, come on, already." He waved his extended hand at her. "We'll be back if we hear anything at all."

Never liking confrontations- though she did get into a lot of them- she sighed and took his hand- though she immediately dropped it once she had stood up.
"Alright. I- I have suh-something to talk about."
She'd been puzzling over the dream for ages- and while she wanted to tell Lucy about it, she felt like she needed to tell someone else.

"What is it?" He asked after they had walked quite a bit further in, and were approaching a small clearing.

She told him, all of it, as much as she remembered- though in concise, direct sentences. If she had been writing it all down, she would've been more descriptive. She never was very verbally explanatory.

"Aslan visited you?" Edmund was quite astonished. "That's- quite a miracle, he hasn't been seen since our coronation."

"He didn't visit me, it was a dream." She corrected, sliding down to sit on the warm grass.

"He visited you in your dream." He amended, sitting down as well. "Your ancestors- well, apart from humans, what else could they be?"

"Nature spirits too- the first Monarchs of this land- Narnia and everywhere else, their children married naiads and nymphs and dryads- all humans in Narnia, Archenland, Calormen, Rihaaya, everywhere, we all technically have faerie blood."

Edmund nodded, "Yes- I thought that may be how humans were still around. But if everyone is like that- how did your family become the ruling one in Rihaaya?"

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