Chapter 29- Nuntio

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to show that in love's wound,

so deep and terrible,

a sweetness may be found

that makes life bearable?


"Why can't you-"

"Your siblings."


"YOUR siblings."

"But I don't want to-"


Edmund pouted as his wife repeated her words again and again, louder each time.

"Fine." He scowled at her, seeming more Jem's age than his actual now twenty-three years. "What are you going to do?"

"Spar- and I will continue to do so until my baby bump is too big for me to see my feet so no point telling me off, husband." Sanya said bluntly, knowing he would try to dissuade her, for her own sake. And the baby's as well. Their baby's. "Might start teaching Jem- he's playing in the Gardens now- the basics of how to hold a sword, at least."

"Ah, so you've got over your 'no sword fighting till he's seven' thing-"

"Stop trying to avoid, birthday boy." She rolled her eyes at him, understanding what her husband was playing at and before he could even open his mouth to protest, she shoved him hard enough that he barrelled through the doorway and into the room his siblings waited in.

With a satisfied look on her face, Sanya turned around and grinned down at the twin tigers in front of her. "Come on, Tolland and Salland, to the Training Grounds."

"You're expecting?" Tolland asked her, taken aback.

"Uh-" She should really start mentally preparing for such questions- she was High Queen, she would be bombarded with communication regarding this, as soon as she began to show. "A little."

"My heartiest congratulations, and well wishes, Your Majesty." Salland bowed his great head at her.

"Thank you." And Sanya should try not feeling so awkward and uncomfortable about things. Oh, like that would happen. It hadn't happened in twenty-one years, and she doubted it would ever happen. "Shall we?"


"You're having a baby?"

"Well, Sanya's technically the one having the baby-"

"You're having a baby?!" His elder sister echoed his younger's confounded query.


"You're having a baby?!" Peter asked loudly, cutting off his reply.

Now he was starting to lose patience.

"That is what I just said, you know. Yes-" Edmund said quickly before anyone could ask again, "Sanya and I are having a baby."


"If you ask how, Peter, I will behead you."

"But I thought you two had decided not to have children of your own?" Susan asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

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