Chapter 47- Volens Et Potens

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Volens Et Potens


Willing And Able


can't you turn round, run back and be night again,

and stop that sweet smiling that pours out poison light?


"And they all live-" Sanya's voice broke off, and the book slipped from her grasp and she clutched her stomach.

"What'th going on? What'th going on?" Selene asked, alarmed at once. Her amma never stopped between story-time. Her papa used to read to her, but since he had gone away to the meadowland with her aunts and uncle, her amma always read to her now. Papa read better and was more patient with questions, but Jemmy said that she should never say that to their Mumma because that would hurt her and they should never hurt her.

"The baby-" With great difficulty, Sanya shuddered out of bed. Her water had yet to break, but these pains were definitely not of untrue travail. It hurt so bad- she didn't remember labour hurting so bad, and being so very sudden. It seemed like the child wanted to rip itself out of her body, and she couldn't stand moving, but she knew she must, she couldn't give birth in her daughter's bedroom with no one around. "Selene- go- go run and tell your brother to call- call Asherii- or Aura- anyone-"

"Amma, I can go call Aun' Aura-"

"No, you're not allowed to go far-" She broke off as her face contorted in pain and she dug her fingers into her palm as a wave of pain rippled through her body.


"Go do as you're told, Selene, NOW!"

Selene spared her mother one scared glance, before bolting out of bed and out of the room.

Sanya leaned on the bedpost for some support, and knew instantly that she wouldn't be able to make it to the birthing suite in the hospital wing. She'd need to deliver in her bedchambers- thankfully attached to Selene's room- unless she wanted her child to be born on the staircase. Would be a memorable event.

A nice little story.

"Shut up, husband." She grumbled out loud, not in the mood to deal with the annoying Edmund voice which occasionally popped up in her head. "I'm giving birth, I don't need your sassy comments right now, I need you, but you're not there."

Not the time to break down, Sanya.

Supporting herself against various bits of furniture and walls, she made it to her chambers, and she felt so relieved as she entered that she forgot about the pain for a moment, before the worst contraction yet hit and she collapsed to the floor. The stitched-and-healed scar at her side throbbed and burned, as if contractions weren't bad enough.

"Queens don't cry, but they fall, apparently." She mumbled, pushing herself to rest against the wall. She couldn't make it to the bed, not without help, and who knew when that would come. Jem would be fast asleep- the clock had just struck midnight- Selene, who had only been up because she'd wanted water and then had found that she couldn't get to sleep without a story, would need time to wake him- and then the time taken to go get Asherii and Aura- and the time needed to get the things and then come back to her chambers-

She was doing this by herself.

She remembered what Asherii had said before Selene was born.

'Legs wide and open, and if you feel you're dilated, push and push until the baby is out completely.'

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