Chapter 15- Sentio

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release me from this great woe;

grant me this, my heart's greatest desire.

against all these pains, be my ally.


"Su, come on-"

Susan jumped, and spilt ink all over the piece of parchment on her desk. "For Aslan's sake, Peter, learn to knock!"

"Sorry." Her blond brother leaned against the doorway. "What're you writing, anyway?"

She fought a blush with difficulty. "I'm replying to a letter."

"Corresponding with Lune again? How is he?"

"No, and he is better."

Peter's brows furrowed, "Susan Eileen Pevensie, are you keeping a secret from me?"

"So what if I am?"

"From your big brother?"


"You're breaking my heart, Su." Peter said dramatically, entering the room and plopping down on her bed. "Come on, tell me."

"No." Susan replied flatly, turning back to the sodden mess which had been her beautifully written letter.


She spared him a glance, "Puppy dog eyes don't work on you half as well as they do on Lucy- who, coincidentally, you're resembling most right now. Why do you even want to know?"

"I'm bored, and don't have any work to do." He shrugged, seeing no reason to lie. "That's why I came to ask you to come on a walk."

"No Ed to spar with, Lucy off with Sanya and Jem in the meadow, Orieus training the new battalion of fauns- you must really be at loose ends to come to me."

"Don't speak like that, Su, you're my sister."

"It's the truth that you spend very little time with me." She said, turning to him fully. "It's not that I don't understand- Lucy is your favourite and the baby, Edmund and you are both boys and you have sparring and all in common, and I'm just boring old Susan, whose only worthwhile feature is that she has a pretty face."

"That's not true, Susan." Peter frowned heavily. "You're smart and kind and caring and rational and a thousand other traits which make you a wonderful sister and a majestic Queen."

"Don't worry, I know." She laughed convincingly, having no wish to speak about this. She shouldn't have said anything at all. "Everyone has their insecure moments, even someone as brilliant as I am."

Her brother, reassured, smiled. "That's good. Now, for that walk?"

"Oh, sure. You ruined my letter writing anyway."

"Which you're not going to elaborate on?"

"No." She shook her head, an angelically deceptive smile on her face. "Ah, and we should decide what to get Grae- I mean Jem for his birthday."

"But that's almost a month away!" Peter said, before sighing. He was not good at presents. "Gosh, I have no idea. I bet Lucy already has something up her sleeve."

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