Chapter 44- Reconciliato

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i'll remind you

of the good things we lived through



Edmund was surprised when he saw his wife's mode of transport. He shouldn't have been, since Moonlight was stabled here at Paravel, but he still was. He was glad he had been in the training fields and had been the one to spot the creature flying down to the landing greens- he was sure Sanya wouldn't want the entire palace to be out to greet her. He remembered how flat and blank she had been the first time she had come to Cair Paravel and seen the throngs of people gathered to greet her.

He had missed her greatly- his heart had felt like it had almost deadened, without her.
But even now that she was here, so close- his heart did not feel completely alive.
Not yet.
Didn’t mean that he did not want to pull her to him and let her kiss him all over, though.

"A gryphon?"

Sanya shrugged, forcing her feelings at bay as she looked at her husband after so long. The last time she'd seen him- they had made love, aware that it could've been their last time together.
They hadn't spoken about their feelings- about their anger, their worry.
Better to lose themselves in love.
"I have a soft spot for gryphons."

He clicked his tongue, and held out his hand for her to hold as she disembarked.

She'd flown well, he was surprised- gryphons weren't the same as horses.

He wondered if the fact that they weren't having a proper reunion was strange- but then again, they hadn't said goodbye to each other.

They had made love one day, no words but ones spoken in the heat of passion- and the next, she had simply ridden away with Peter in the morning, while he'd headed away on the Hyaline that afternoon. There was no goodbye, not even a meeting. For once, he had been the one to wake up with no one on the other side of the bed. It had made him feel lonely, lonelier than he'd thought he would feel again.

"You have a soft spot for every animal."

She scoffed, or maybe it was a laugh, she herself wasn't sure.
She looked towards the gryphon- Drigoc- and smiled, "Thank you for carrying me safely, sir."

The gryphon nodded, and bowed his head.

She stroked it, and addressed her husband again, "Is that such a bad thing?"

"You're dismissed, sir." Every animal had been titled 'sir' by Lucy, and he was grateful for that, especially when he didn't know their names. "Thank you."

Once the gryphon had taken to the skies, he looked at his wife, and spoke, not softly, not in a voice overcome with emotion, but normally, "I missed you."

She hoped he could see it in her eyes that she’d missed him as well- of course she had. She had thought about him constantly, even in the heat of battle, even in the comfort of home, even during everything that should have distracted her from thoughts and memories of him.
But she did not express the sentiment any further- because she could not help but ask, “Are you angry with me?”

"Are you?"

"Why would I be-"

"That I went back to Tashbaan." He said, knowing her. She hadn't sent a single letter to him since she had received word that he had returned to Calormen to fight Rabadash. He couldn't quite understand why, but he was sure that that was the reason she was angry.

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