Ch. 15 - Rainy Day

Start from the beginning

"So, where would you want to go first?"  Zekaj asked, trying to change the topic.  Luckily Hunter locked his phone and tried to think.

"Well we'd be leaving in the winter, so maybe somewhere warm?  Like Hawaii?  Can you portal us that far?"

"Well I've never hit a limit as to how far, but I can't keep portaling back and forth between places cause that'll drain me quickly.  So Hawaii it is!"  Zekaj smiled.

"Perfect.  But the only problem is money."

"No it's not."  Zekaj casually said.


"Well, where do you think I get all the money I buy stuff with?"  Zekaj asked.

"I-,"  Truth be told, Hunter hadn't really thought about it.  "I have no idea."

"Well long ago when my parents still took summons, a mage set up a bank account for them as a form of payment.  They also helped with stocks and stuff.  I don't know, I wasn't really listening.  Zekai would know."

Hunter was dumbfounded.  He always assumed Zekaj's family was rich but never thought they were rich in human currency.

"Oh and also whenever I can't think of a payment I'll just have the mage transfer money into the account.  I'm sure it's accumulated a lot over the years."

"How much is in it then?"  Hunter questioned him.

"Uh, Zekai would know, dammit."  Hunter watched as Zekaj entered a deep thought, him biting his lip and concentrating hard on remembering how much was in the account.  "Probably a hundred million?"

"A hu- hun- a HUNDRED MILLION?"  Hunter screamed.  "You have a hundred million dollars and never told me?"

"Hey! It's mostly my parents and you never asked!"  Zekaj defended himself.

"Oh my god you're a millionaire."  Hunter covered his face with his hands.

"Can we just drop this subject?  I'd much rather watch tik toks than this."  Zekaj asked.

"Fine."  Hunter laughed, turning on the Tv. 

They quickly chose a movie and the room fell into a comfortable silence.  Hunter's eyelids started to slip as sleep took over his whole body.  His head slid from its support on the wall and fell onto Zekaj's shoulder.

Hunter subconsciously snuggled up into Zekaj's side, clutching his strong arm.  Zekaj was no longer paying attention to the movie, but to Hunter. 

Zekaj always thought Hunter was adorable when he slept.  His hair always managed to get messy in a short amount of time and he always held onto something tight or was completely sprawled out.  There was no inbetween.

Hunter's touch was intoxicating to him.  His body always filled with warmth when they touched.  It was a new feeling ever since the incident at the beach and in Zekaj's bathroom. 

With Hunter clutching onto his arm, his whole body was filled with the warm feeling.  The warmth really soothed Zekaj and he too started to doze off as well, his head fell down onto Hunter's as they both slept to the sound of the rain and the movie.

Hunter was the first to wake up.  The credits to the movie had started rolling and Hunter's vision was just starting to clear up from his small nap.

He then felt the small pressure on the top of his head and he looked up without moving his head.  Hunter saw the black hair of Zekaj's head, it caused Hunter to smile instinctively.  Hunter then noticed he was clutching hard onto Zekaj's arm, but he refused to let go.

It was one of the most intimate moments between the two and he wanted it to last.  His birthday was in 2 weeks.  The thirteenth was slowly creeping up on him.  If they weren't soulmates he didn't know what he would do.

Their chances were low.  There has never been a confirmed case of a Human and Demon being soulmates.  Sure there was a story he had heard from a book but that wasn't confirmed.

There was still the chance that Zekaj didn't like him the same way, Hunter thought.  There was no use worrying about the future.  He needed to savor this moment between the two of them.  He knew Zekaj was asleep, and probably didn't know they were in such a situation.

Hunter slowly started gliding his fingers up and down Zekaj's hard muscles, hoping Zekaj wasn't actually awake to notice.  He loved the feeling of his hands on his muscles, how hard they felt and protected it made him feel.

He knew he was going to keep Zekaj around for as long as Zekaj wanted, if they weren't soulmates.  He prayed to whatever god would listen for them to be soulmates for deep down he knew they were perfect for each other.

Hunter understood Zekaj the way Zekaj understood Hunter.  They both needed someone and found each other at the right time.  Hunter's loneliness and Zekaj's emptiness disappeared the second they became friends.  As long as they had each other, they would never feel that way again.

Their friendship had truly blossomed into something deeper and more meaningful.

Zekaj felt Hunter's fingers glide up and down his arm.  He truly loved the feeling of the warmth as it grew and grew with each touch.  It was at that moment that Zekaj had decided.

If Zekaj wasn't Hunter's soulmate. 

He would find Hunter's soulmate, and kill them.

Hunter was his.

And he wasn't letting no mate bond stand in his way.


A nice little short chapter for yall.  Hope you enjoyed!  Next chapter will be the DAY before Hunter's birthday.  I hope you're ready.  Also happy late birthday to Hunter!  Yesterday was technically his birthday irl! Lmao.

Do you think Zekaj and Hunter are soulmates?

If they aren't, who is Hunter's soulmate? Aj? Max?

What do you think is going to happen on Hunter's birthday?

What section of magic will he specialize in if any?

Will he get the mage marks?  What will they be?

You will find out soon.  In the next few chapters. <3

Make sure to check out my twitter, @14mek, for updates and sneak peaks into my writing process and stuff.

If you didn't notice too, I made a playlist for this story!  You can check it out on the 2nd page, it's right after the new welcome page.

I've also started uploading this story to Tapas!  My account username is the same as Wattpad, Mek_14.  I'm super close to 100 subscribers which is awesome!  I have yet to get all the chapters up though.  Right now it's at chapter 9, I typically add 1-2 a day.  If you'd like to support me over there I'd appreciate it! <3

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Thank you, -MEK

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