Chapter 26

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Thursday comes quickly. Jàime had to work today so she is going to her fitting tomorrow afternoon. I still went to mine but I kinda was upset about my dress because I did tell them I wanted a dark eggplant color and the sales woman never noted that so the dress is pure white. They can dye it before the ball and have it be ready but in order for me to get it by the ball, they'd have to rush it.

Still we did my fitting and the dress was beautiful. I looked like royalty. The white is beautiful, don't get me wrong. It just feels wedding-ish and I didn't wanna ruin the dress because of my lack of coordination so that's why I wanted it a dark purple. They knocked off $150 for their mistake, so that's good. Now I only have to pay $200, Jàime already paid the $125 deposit. I leave the dress shop and head to 'How you bean' for lunch with Nancy. I get there early so I find a private area and table then wait for her. Finally at 11:55am she comes in. I wave her over, she comes over and sits down.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask her.

"I'm good. Thank you for asking. How are you?" Nancy asks.

"I didn't know what you liked so I didn't order yet. What can I get you?" I say as I stand up to go to the counter to order.

"Oh, Thank you. I'd like a large hot coffee four cream, four sugar and could you grab me a banana nut muffin too please?" Nancy says sweetly.

"Of course." I say then I turn to go order.

I get myself a coffee, order Nancy's coffee, and two banana nut muffins, pay and go back to the table. I set down our stuff and Nancy tries to pay me for her stuff but I refuse to take it.

"I appreciate it, I do but it's ok. I'll let you pay next time." I joke.

"Fair enough. Well, Thank you." Nancy says.

"So, I just wanna bring something up because it's kinda awkward and I want to get it out of the way." I say.

"Okay." Nancy says as she peels the wrapper off her muffin.

"My piercings. I got them because I've always wanted them. No one has seen them except for me. Not to throw them under the bus but Kaden and Dane told me. And I know that Kaden and Dane told you that I'm a virgin but still I feel really uncomfortable thinking that you may have the wrong idea about me." I say.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it, I just heard something about girls with those piercings. I'm old so it seems to mean something different to my generation than yours. It doesn't mean that it does mean that. I apologize." Nancy says.

"You don't have to apologize. I just wanted to let you know so there is no miscommunication between us." I say.

"I understand." Nancy says.

"As for Lizzie, and the reason why I call her Lizzie, I lied to you and for that I am very sorry. I'm embarrassed by the reason behind it so I was dishonest. She and I have a very rocky relationship, she wasn't always a very nice person. She is my adoptive mother. Growing up with her was rough, I was close with my dad, but he died when I was 11, all I had left was Lizzy. She was an addict and also was abusive towards me. My bestfriends mother got me out of that situation and pushed me to do well in school, then in college. I graduated with honors and started my career. Now that I'm older I'm trying to have a relationship with Lizzie for Isabelle but also for me. This is why I got the tattoo I did. It's a reminder of the hard times but also a reminder that life isn't all bad. You may see darkness but with out it you wouldn't see beauty, like I said. As for my thigh tattoo, the roses are for my dad, in memory of him, his birth flower is the rose. The clock is a reminder to savor the time we have. The skull is kinda morbid but it looked cool with it, I had them add the bright colors to remind me to look at the bright side of life even if thinks seem glum." I say.

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