Chapter 13

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As I get home and pull in the driveway I see Jàime sitting on the front steps waiting eagerly for me. I park, get out and head up to her.

"So, how did it go?" She asks as she stands up.

"I think it went good. She wants me to start writing stuff down, like about how I feel and what happened to make me feel that way. Things like that." I say.
"I have to go back the day after tomorrow." I continue.

"That's good. I'm glad you're doing this." Jàime says.

"Yeah, me too. So, you ready to go shopping?" I ask.

"You know it." She laughs as she heads for her car, I follow behind.

We head into downtown LA and shop hop. We parked the car and decided to walk around the boardwalk for a bit. There is always a flea market going on through there so we walked around for a while.

They had so many amazing things for sale and I spent a good chunk of change on things but they had this amazing sea turtle tie dye tapestry and I just had to get it for my room. I also found some twinkle lights that I plan to put up along the ceiling on walls of my room. I thought they'd be dim enough to light my room up but not enough to bother me at night, just so that way it's not pitch dark in there.

After everything going on I thought maybe that would help to ease my nerves a little. I bought this cute little iridescent rainbow jewelry music box that plays the melody to "you are my sunshine" and a few other things like a braided handmade bracelet and a short length choker hemp glass jewelry necklace that I put above my necklace Jàime got me. The simple things make me happy. I definitely needed to unwind a bit after my, well, breakdown.

Jàime and I talked a lot, mostly about what I thought I saw. I know how crazy it sounds but I know something isn't right. I can feel it. Maybe, it is just stress and going through something so traumatic.

I feel like I'm losing myself and I've never had that feeling happen before. I've always kept it together even when I was falling apart. I've had my weak moments, yes, but I'm past all of that. I know that I'm done being afraid and I'm done with these feelings. It's time I get over it and move on like I've been wanting to. Truth be told, saying I need to and actually letting go is easier said than done. I'm a mess and I don't know how to fix it or where to start but enough is enough.

Jàime and I headed back home. To our surprise Tate was back but things with him seemed off. So I offered to make dinner so we could all sit, eat and catch up. While I made dinner Jàime and Tate sat in the living room. Jàime kept coming out and asking if I needed help, I declined each time but I think she just wanted to keep sneaking nibbles of dinner rather than actually helping anyways.

I set the table and call everyone to eat.

"What do we have here?" Tate asks in anticipation.

"Well, I thought that given the occasion and you being back we could have Caesar salad to start with, and then some steak, with garlic, cheese and herb asparagus, twice baked loaded potatoes with cheese, bacon, sour cream and chives, paired with some red wine." I say with an excited smirk.

"This is why I'm fat." Jàime jokes.

"No you're not!" I laugh.

"Dig in." I say to Jàime and Tate while motioning to the food.

I sit down, and get some Caesar salad. While we're eating our salads we mostly make small talk. Tate is quiet which isn't like him.

"So, Tate, what did you do when you went back to NY?" I ask.

He dodges the question.

"This is very good." he says pointing to the plate with his fork.

"Thanks." I say.

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