Chapter 11

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I push my self back with my feet, trying to get up and catch my footing, finally when I do get on my feet, I run as fast as I can. Fireworks shooting off in the sky, lighting my way. I can't make a sound. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack but I keep running, too afraid to look back but I do. He's not following me.

I stop to catch my breath and I vomit. I start running again to get out of there. I can see the end of the maze, Jàime, Kaden and Dane all waiting for me once again. Only this time everything starts going black. I try to get to them, slowly, holding on to the hedges as my vision tunnels in and out. I get to the end and Jàime see's me. I can't imagine what I looked like. I was terrified. I hear her voice, muffled like I was underwater.

"Oh my God! Gemma!" I hear Jàime shout as hit the ground then it's just blackness.

I'm in and out. I see flashes of lights. I can barely open my eyes. Faint voices in and out.

"Is she ok?"


"Hold on, baby."

I drift back out.

When I finally wake up I don't know what happened or where I am. I panic and start screaming. It's almost as if my voice was delayed but works now. I try to run but something pulls me back. I panic even more and try to get away. I feel a sharp poke in my side near my butt and just like that, blackness again.

I can hear faint beeping and quiet conversation but I can't quite wake up. I'm groggy. I try to open my eyes and everything is blurry but I know those silhouettes are that of Jàime, Kaden, and Dane. I can't move.

"What do you think happened?" I hear Dane ask.

"I don't know but I've never seen her like that. She was white as a sheet, like she just saw a ghost or something. She was terrified." I hear Jàime say.

"Why do you think was she so scared?" Kaden asks, before Jàime can answer Dane speaks up.

"She's waking up!" Dane says.

I can see a little bit more clear, they all run over to me.
"Gem, Are you okay?" Jàime asks with concern.

"I'm thirsty and I can't move." I say quietly, hoarsely.

"Let me go get someone." Dane says, then he disappears from my sight.
Seconds later he comes back in with a nurse.

"Hi Gemma, how are you feeling?" She asks sweetly.

"Fine. Why can't I move?" I ask.

"We had to restrain and sedate you, you blacked out earlier and when you finally woke up you became violent." She says.

"So that's what bit me in the ass." I say jokingly, still hoarse.

The nurse laughs.

"I just have to ask a few questions, then I can cut you loose from those restraints. Sound good?" She says.

"Yeah" I say.

"Is it okay if I ask questions with them in here or do you need them to step out? There are pretty personal questions." She says as she nods her head towards Kaden, Dane and Jàime.

"It's fine. They can stay." I say.

"What's your name?" She asks.

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