Chapter Fifty Nine

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When The Past Comes A Calling

When The Past Comes A Calling

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"Hello Marcel."

Marcel Gerard whipped around from where he was standing in the middle of Lafayette Cemetery. The moment he spotted Céleste Dubios, his heart dropped. She was standing in front of a mausoleum with her family name on it. For a moment, she simply stared at the only concrete before running a finger across the chipping stone.

"It's sad, isn't it?" She spoke softly. "How much history is here, and it's just crumbling away."

"What do you want, Céleste?" Marcel replied flatly.

"What do I want?" Céleste turned on her heel and flared sharply at the vampire. "Don't play dumb with me, Marcellus."

"Don't call me that." Marcel hissed.

"Why?" She sneered, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Because it's what they call you?"

Marcel didn't respond. He met Céleste's eyes slowly, watching as she walked away from the mausoleum and began looking at the other concrete pieces around them.

"Tell me, why haven't you done what I asked of you?"

"Because, Céleste, it's not right." Marcel replied matter of factly.

"But you want them gone, don't you?" She raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "You see, what I don't understand, is why you spend so much time worrying over what the Mikaelsons are up to, when you can rid of your worries in the blink of an eye. I've offered you a way out, some semblance of peace, if you will."

"There is no peace." Marcel growled. "Not by your way."

"You act all high and mighty, but in reality, you do not have the guts to exterminate the Mikaelson family. You may have driven them a little ways from home, but somehow they have come crawling back and managed to have taken someone who is of the upmost importance to both of us. You let those monsters manipulate and brainwash my daughter. If you do not do what the ancestors and I have asked of you, you can be damn sure you will never see New Orleans again, let alone be its king. Do we understand each other?"

Marcel swallowed slowly, before nodding. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as the weight of his decision laid heavy on his shoulders.

"I will do what you ask." He spoke slowly. "But in return, New Orleans is mine."

"I've promised you such, haven't I?"

"I hope you know that this is my last resort." Marcel met the witch's cold eyes. "Every moment will cause me pain."

"It's a short moment of pain closer to what you've been craving for decades." Céleste responded, stopping directly front of him. "Do well to remember that. Goodbye, Marcellus."

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