Chapter Four

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A Dog On A Leash

A Dog On A Leash

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"Put up the protection spell now!" Diego screamed, his eyes flashing in anger.

"No." Evangeline held her ground, staring at the vampire before her with rebellion.

"Marcel expects me to train you to take his commands. Every vampire that's come through this compound has done it. Why the hell can't you?"

"I refuse to play secret weapon for Marcel. If he wants a protection spell up that badly, he should be working to do it himself."

"Okay, fine, whatever." Diego sighed, giving into her defiance. "Let me go talk things over with Marcel. Ethan, watch over her, please."

Ethan nodded, taking a step away from where Evangeline stood. She noticed the weary look in his eyes.

"What?" She laughed. "Now that I have my magic back do you think I'm going to come after you?"

"You better not." Marcel replied, entering swiftly. "Evangeline, Diego tells me you refuse to put up the spell on his orders, so I'm going to ask you nicely. Would you please put up a protection spell around the compound?"

"Why do you want this spell up so badly? What are you trying to keep out? Or better yet, who are you trying to keep in?"

"It's not to keep you in, if that's what you're wondering. As for the purpose of the spell, I will explain everything to you when I know you can be trusted."

"I'm not casting a spell when I don't know its purpose. I may be a powerful witch but I'm not blindly doing magic because you tell me to. Like I've told many of your men, and apparently you more than once, I am not yours. You do not own me, and I especially don't work for you. I was against it then, and I'm still against it now."

Marcel sighed. "Evangeline, your cooperation would be quite appreciated right now."

"You kidnap someone and expect them to cooperate? Like hell that's going to happen."

"I could also do without the sass, please. Just put up the spell. I'm not asking you again."

"And what are you going to do to me if I don't?" She challenged.

"Diego will decide. Until then, I have certain matters I must return to."

As Marcel turned to leave, a loud crack came from the sky. Both Evangeline and Diego's head whipped upwards just in time to spot droplets of water falling down upon them. Evangeline quickly jogged underneath the section of the compound that served as a roof but also the floor to the second story. She ran a hand through her now soaked hair and growled in annoyance.

"What?" Diego laughed. "Witches aren't water friendly? Let me guess, if you spend too long in the rain you'll melt?"

"Shut up!" Evangeline snarled, squeezing out her wet hair. "Unless you want an ear splitting headache."

"What I want is for you to stop being so stubborn and actually work with me."

"Have fun dreaming."

Diego's eyebrows knitted in anger, his hand balling up into fists. "I would watch that sass of yours, honey. I tend to hold my patience on a short leash."

"What are you a dog?"

At that comment, Diego took a step forward, meeting Evangeline's hard gaze and trying his best to tower over her petite form. Small veins appeared dark and purple underneath his eyelids and he snarled as she spoke. Diego's eyes turned blood red and he seemed to be almost testing her to make a wrong move.

"I'm not asking you again. Put up the damn protection spell."

"And I'm not going to listen to you again. My answer is still no."

Before Evangeline even finished her last word, Diego had her pinned to the ground, bringing the palm of his hand across her cheek. Evangeline let out a hiss, her skin burning from where he touched it.

"You're not going to listen to me, than we do this the hard way."

Diego stalked over towards a small table off to the side of the compound, pulling on gloves and retrieving something from a small bag. Before Evangeline had a chance to react, another small pebble was thrown at her and her magic was gone in seconds.

"What the hell?!" She screamed, stalking towards him. "You can't make me do the spell if I have no magic!"

"I want you to know what it's like to feel pain, to suffer when you're disobedient."

Diego raced forward and shoved her backwards into a chair. Suddenly, he pulled a rope out of a jar, the smell nothing but rancid, before he wrapped it around her wrists, tying her to the chair. Evangeline screamed in agony, the ropes beginning to burn her skin.

"Vervain?!" She yelled, squirming against her bonds. "Real classy, Diego. I'm totally going to listen to you now!"

"Marcel told me to train you. He didn't specify the method."

"Diego!" Marcel's voice rang with a rage throughout the compound, causing Diego looking up at his leader wearily. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"The little bitch refused to cooperate so I took precautions-"

"She's a child!" Marcel sneered, shoving roughly against Diego's chest. "You know my rules about children!"

"I know, Marcel, but-"

"Let her go! Now!"


"Now, Diego!"

Diego slowly turned towards the young girl who was still trying profusely to escape the vervained ropes. In a split second, he undid the knots and Evangeline raced away, stepping a little farther off from where Marcel stood.

"It appears the child is not compatible with you." Marcel sighed.

"It's not just me, Marcel." Diego persisted. "She's not compatible with anyone! Not even you! When she said she's not going to stop fighting, I honestly think she means it."

"Did you have any doubt I would?" Evangeline scoffed.

"You may be strong with your powers, love, but you are not strong within. You are still a child and you are still weak. You will give in eventually. We just need to give it time."

"I'll never give in!" She growled, clenching her fists and cursing the fact that she couldn't do any magic.

"You say that now. But you will in the future. It may take awhile, but hey, we have forever, right?"

"You're a monster."

"That's right, honey. I am a monster. Be sure to remember that whenever you think about disobeying my orders. Perhaps next time, I'll let Diego torture you..... Just something to chew on."


I hope you all enjoyed chapter four! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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