Chapter Thirty Two

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Knowing What's Truly Best

recommend songCome Back When You Can by Barcelona

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recommend song
Come Back When You Can by Barcelona


"Don't." Evangeline hissed, her eyes never leaving Elijah's. "Don't you dare try to lecture me again on the dangers of using magic outside of this house. I don't want to hear it."

"You haven't seemed to have learned your lesson, so it appears that I have to." Elijah growled angrily, taking a step towards her.

"I am not a child, Elijah. Don't treat me like one."

"You are a child!" He yelled loudly. "You are not even eighteen, and yet you feel that you know what's best! I've been on this earth for one thousand years. I have heard and seen more than you could possibly imagine. I know how to keep someone out of harm's way. Hell, I protected my family from Mikael for nearly a millennium! I'd say it's pretty safe to bet that I know what I'm doing."

"Knowing what you're doing is one thing! Blowing it out of proportion is another!"

"What could I possibly be blowing out of proportion?!"

"One minute you want nothing to do with me, the next you're the secret service and I'm the President trapped inside the White House because invisible bombs are going off outside!"

"Evangeline, I do not appreciate the satire."

"You know what else you don't seem to appreciate?" She commented sarcastically, feeling all of her emotions pouring out at once. "Talking. I get that you're not big on feelings and all, but it can't hurt to at least try to come up with some simple way of telling me why the only way we can communicate is through small gestures and with as little words spoken as possible."

"Do you think I enjoy what we're going through?"

"You must since you keep acting like an ass!"

Elijah growled abruptly, grabbing ahold of Evangeline's wrist and spinning her backwards until she landed on the bed. She felt her mind become fuzzy as he crawled over her, his face hovering right over her own. Just as she was about to make another smart ass comment, his eyes darkened and the purple veins became quite prominent on his skin as he hissed in her face, the sight of his true form momentarily quieting her.

"I'm trying to protect you." His voice was flat, but deep inside of his eyes she could see he was speaking honestly. "I hate that you continue question my true motives."

"How can I not when all that's happened between the two of us over the past few days were nothing but head nods as we passed each other in the hallway?"

"Evangeline, it's complicated-"

"Just stop, okay?" Evangeline sighed, slipping out from underneath him, and walking away from the bed. "Unless you have a valid reason for acting the way you are, don't bother trying to find a way around it."

"Evangeline," Elijah sighed, rolling over onto his back and watching her from the bed.

"Please leave." She whispered, stepping away from the bed and opening the bedroom door.

"Evangeline, we're not done talking."

"Just leave, Elijah!" Evangeline yelled. "I don't want you here."

Elijah stared deep into her eyes before sliding off the edge of the bed and exiting the room. As he entered the hall, he took one last glance back. Evangeline stood in the doorway with a saddened look on her face before closing the door behind her. Elijah let out a sigh as he came down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen for a much needed drink. As he entered, he instantly noticed all three of his siblings trying their hardest to look casual but failing miserably.

"You don't need to pretend like you didn't just eavesdrop on our fight." Elijah commented, pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

"Elijah, I'm so sorry." Rebekah was the first to speak, walking over towards him and placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"That was brutal, man." Kol said. "It makes me wonder what really happened in the extent of that kiss."

"Rebekah!" Elijah growled. "You told him?"

"I had to or he wouldn't stop pestering us about it." Rebekah replied. "Keep your voices down. Nik could wake up any minute now."

The family all glanced over to the hybrid's sleeping form on the couch, looking back at each other wearily.

"When he wakes up, we need to find out what happened." Freya claimed.

"Whatever it was must have really pissed her off." Kol said in a surprised tone. "I don't think I've ever seen her so worked up."

"Knowing Niklaus, he was throwing the blame around." Elijah declared, his eyes flicking over towards his brother, who was starting to wake up.

Klaus stirred, shifting uncomfortably on the couch, and immediately opening his eyes the moment he realized that he was being watched.

"Freya, was the spell really necessary?" He asked gruffly, rubbing he back of his neck as he sat up.

"It was completely necessary." Freya responded in an annoyed tone.

"Nik, what happened between you and Evangeline?!" Rebekah demanded, coming over to sit next to him.

"Calm down, dear sister. I might have implied that she was working alongside Marcel and she blew it out of proportion."

"Might have?"

"Okay, fine. I accused her."

"Why, Niklaus?" Elijah raised his voice, trying to keep his head level.

"Why do you want to know, brother? So you can take her side? Protect her? You'll just be proving me right."

"Nik, what the hell are you talking about?" Kol hissed, stepping forward towards his brother.

"Evangeline came here, not on the run from Marcel, but working for him. She was sent here to spy on us, find our weaknesses, and when she gets enough information, she'll tell him so they can plan our downfall together."

"That's ridiculous." Rebekah scoffed loudly. "Nik, do you hear how looney you sound?"

"I'd say I'm the smartest one here." Klaus hissed. "All of you are so wrapped up in her sweet, child-like facade that you don't see what's right in front of you."

"And what's that?" Freya cut in, eyeing her brother up.

"A monster."

"She's not the monster, Niklaus." Rebekah growled. "You are."


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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