Chapter Forty Seven

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Come Home, Evangeline

Come Home, Evangeline

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"Hello, Evangeline." Marcel grinned. "Time to come home."

Evangeline Dubois glared at Marcel Gerard, all of the hate that had been boiling inside of her for months finally seeping through. The moment he spoke to her, she couldn't help but laugh. After hiding from this man for so long, having him actually hunt her down almost seemed silly. Yet, here they were, staring each other down, both determined not to lose.

"Home?" She laughed aloud, receiving confused looks from a few of his vampires. "Do you really think I would refer to anywhere that you are as home? If so, you're even more delusional than I thought."

"Come now, Evangeline. Don't be this way."

"Come now, Marcel. If you were smart, you'd know why I am acting this way." Evangeline taunted, watching the emotion in Marcel's eyes flicker to life.

"You mock me, but you're the one who isn't acting smart. You're allowing yourself to stay in a home with people who will turn on you in an instant. You can never trust a Mikaelson. Surely your time with them has taught you that."

"You want to know where I call home, Marcel?" Evangeline slowly stepped down the stairs of the porch, keeping eye contact with him. "Well, home is wherever the heart is, and as of now, my heart lies with this family. The Mikaelsons helped keep me safe over the last few months. They fed me, they clothed me, they trained me, and they accepted me as one of their own without even batting an eye. I don't know about you, but I would consider that a home. Not with someone who kidnaps me, turns me, forces me to be his personal slave, or uses me as a weapon."

"You hold such contempt for me." Marcel chuckled. "I almost remember why I got frustrated with you when you were still at the compound."

"You were convinced that you owned me, when I don't belong to anyone."

"No?" Marcel questioned. "Not even your baby's father?"

"My baby's father is non of your business. Leave my child out of this."

"I want to know which Mikaelson couldn't keep his paws off of you." Marcel pried, his eyes scanning over the three originals in his sights.

"Brothers, don't let him win." Rebekah whispered quietly. "Keep your composures."

"It had to have happened a few months after they rescued you." Marcel continued. "Now, tell me, Evangeline. Who was it? Could it be Kol? He was always the one to have a girl on his arm, or possibly Klaus? Trying to replace his yearn for Camille? I wonder..."

None of the Mikaelsons noticed, but Evangeline caught a quick exchange of eye contact between Serena and Marcel before the witch suddenly stepped up, a ball of fire igniting in the palm of her hand. As she threw it forward, her magic passing right through the border, causing the Mikaelsons all to scatter, only Elijah springing into action. He raced over to Evangeline, attempting to shield her from harm, although, the young vampire was quicker than he was, sliding out of his way to dissipate the flames before anyone could be harmed.

"Ah, so my haunch was correct." Marcel practically purred as he viewed the overprotective gleam in Elijah's eyes. "Elijah is the father. How sweet."

Evangeline didn't respond, but simply stepped back, allowing Elijah to place his hand on the small of her back in a reassuring manner.

"Your child is never going to last in their family. The only reason Klaus' daughter did was because Hayley was her mother. She was more of a Mikaelson than you'll ever be. You won't be able to handle being like them, living like them. You are pure, kind, soft, and they all have stained souls that you will never be able to forget."

"You're wrong." Evangeline hissed. "My baby is already so loved and taken cared for, and it's not even born yet. He or she is going to live a long and full live, filled with family and the utmost support. My child deserves that, and I do as well."

"You want your child to have a better life?" Marcel met her hard gaze. "Come home."

"We are home." Evangeline growled.

"If you don't return with us, Evangeline, than you leave me no choice."

"What? Are you going to kidnap me? Take me far away from Elijah and his siblings? I thought you had a thing about children, Marcel? Would you dare deprive a child of knowing its family?"

"What if he were to kidnap your baby? Deprive the child of its mother?" Diego sneered, stepping forward with a laugh. "You know, Marcel used to have a thing about children, but ever since you came to the compound, his morals have changed."

"Marcel wouldn't dare." Elijah claimed, his brown eyes narrowing.

"Of course he wouldn't." Evangeline nodded. "Marcel is a fantastic leader, but he is more human than any other vampire I've met. His emotions run the show he puts on for all of you, and I know in my heart that he would never stoop so low."

"I may not stoop so low, but I will have you back." Marcel finally spoke up. "If you won't come willingly, fine. But I believe you deserve to know who the Mikaelsons really are before you even think about raising a baby in that house."

"What do you plan to do? Scare me with old stories that I probably already know?"

"I'm going to show you the truth. They may have you fooled now, but by the time I'm done, you will see the Mikaelsons for what they really are. Monsters."

"I'd like to see you try."


I hope you all enjoyed! What do you guys think Marcel has planned? Comment below and don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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