Chapter Three

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In Charge Of Her Own

In Charge Of Her Own

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"Rise and shine, Evangeline!"

The young girl sprung up from the bed, her body shaking out of fear and surprise. At the foot of her bed stood Marcel Gerard. His eyes scanned over her petite frame as she backed herself up against the pillows, trying to distance herself from the one who held her captive.

"Don't look so surprised." Marcel chuckled, running a hand along the silk comforter. "I told you I was going to wake you up at eight."

Evangeline didn't respond, but instead, stared at him with a fire. She was determined to make his life a living hell for as long as he held her as a prisoner, and today was just going to be the start.

"Time to get dressed and meet me downstairs in thirty minutes. Chop chop!" Marcel barked out with a sly smirk on his face.

Evangeline growled loudly and flipped him the middle finger the moment he left the room. With an inward groan, she began to climb out of the bed before she realized, she didn't have to do what Marcel said. A small smile appeared on her face as she nestled back down into the bed and pulled a book from the nightstand to read. A few minutes passed. Then fifteen. Then twenty. And before long, thirty minutes had passed and Diego showed up at her door with an angry scowl.

"What are you still doing in bed? Marcel commanded you to be downstairs for your training. How dare you disobey him!"

"How dare I disobey him?" Evangeline laughed. "You're implying that Marcel has control over me, which obviously he does not."

"Didn't you pay attention to anything Marcel said yesterday? You are his now, sweetheart. His witch, his soldier, his property."

"I am no one's property!" She snarled, curling her hands into a fist.

"Is that so?" Diego chuckled. "Is that why Marcel managed to knock you out and bring you here? Boy have I got some news for you. Marcel Gerard is the strongest being alive! He's stronger than you and he's stronger than me! Hell, he's even strong than an original!"

Evangeline paused. "What did you say?"

Diego suddenly froze, seemingly unable to respond for the moment.

"What do you mean by he's stronger than an original?" She asked, her curiosity spiking.

"I've said too much." Diego replied quickly. "If I were you, I would forget what I said and come downstairs now. Marcel is pissed off enough today already."

When Diego left, Evangeline's brain soared.

What had Diego meant? And if he covered it up so quickly, what did that say about his employment with Marcel?

Evangeline decided that her defiance was putting everyone in the compound on edge, and things were starting to slip. This was good. After a few more minutes, she smiled, hearing the sound of footsteps stomping up the stairs.

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