Chapter Sixteen

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Taking Quite The Liking

Taking Quite The Liking

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Kol Mikaelson charged, his fangs baring and his stride never wavering. In a split second, his courageous run was interrupted with a gust of energy that knocked him flat off his feet. Evangeline let a small laugh, the corners of her lips turning up in a smile as Kol picked himself up off the ground with a grunt, and steadied himself, ready to fight again.

"You're strong, Evangeline." He commented. "You know how to use your magic against an attacker, that's for sure."

"Was that a compliment I hear?" She teased.

"From me?" Kol teased. "Never!"

Freya watched her youngest brother goofing around with Evangeline. It brought a smile to her face. It was a nice change to finally hear laughter filling the Mikaelson home. It was something that brought good to all of the bad that had happened over the last five years. Freya was happy to see that Kol and Evangeline were getting along. It had been a week since Elijah had brought her home, and Evangeline was already settled in. She and Rebekah had become to think of the young girl as a friend, but as the time progressed, Freya knew she would become more of a little sister. She, especially, grew fond of the young girl. It had been a long time since she was in the presence of another witch, and having Evangeline to hang out with and train brought back a newfound purpose in Freya's life. She was finally feeling bits of happiness.

Rebekah had grown attached to Evangeline as well. She also shared Rebekah's vampirism as well as being a witch, so Rebekah naturally felt connected to her. Often times, she would sit and talk to Evangeline about clothing and would attempt to educate the young girl on the aspects of beauty. Freya would sit back and watch, attempting to cover up her laughs as Evangeline, who wasn't the girliest girl, tried to take some interest in what Rebekah was saying.

Kol had also taken a liking to Evangeline. After their first training session, Freya could tell that Kol admired her ferocity and strength. Instead of continuing to be sad about not being a witch anymore, Kol now took a new interest in helping train Evangeline. He didn't mind being her opponent, nor did he mind being tossed around by her magic. Freya could see the attachment slowly forming. With Rebekah, Kol had always been beaten out for Klaus and Elijah, but with Evangeline, she spread her attention around equally, and Kol appreciated having a sister-like figure besides Freya and Rebekah, to hang with.

However, the Mikaelson that took the most liking to Evangeline Dubois was Elijah. As much as he denied it, Elijah had, too, grown fond of the girl. He would always be around watching as Freya and Kol trained with her. His sights would always be checking on her, making sure she was safe. A couple of times, Freya and Rebekah called him on it, but each of those times, he would always deny it. He would simply state that it was concern for her safety, but neither sister was convinced. Although, as the week went on, and he got more grief from his family about Evangeline, Elijah kept his distance, not wanting to cause anymore trouble between him and his siblings.

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