Chapter Twenty Six

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Danger To Us All

Just an announcement, that if you have read this story before 8/1/17, please reread this chapter

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Just an announcement, that if you have read this story before 8/1/17, please reread this chapter. I made a few changes to the story that will affect the plot greatly, so if you're wondering why the characters are acting a certain way, this chapter explains it! Thank you & enjoy!


Evangeline lay limp in Elijah's arms as he carried her through the forest. Although she was one of the most powerful witches of her time, the energy that she had given off came at an alarming rate, momentarily draining her. When Elijah had pulled her into a hug, she let him. After the fight that she had unknowingly been enduring inside for so long was released, she had given up. She closed her eyes as he gathered her up in his arms and carried her back to the house. When they came through the front door, the entire family, minus Niklaus, stood waiting. Rebekah was the first to rush forward, throwing her hands up in the air as she opened her mouth to speak.


"Rebekah, not now." Elijah cut his little sister off with a sharp glare before turning to head up the stairs.

Rebekah frowned, watching her brother cradle Evangeline's body against his chest as he climbed to the second floor.

"I wonder what happened." Kol spoke aloud, earning a stern look from Freya.

"The last time you wondered what happened, you got Rebekah to compel Evangeline, which is the reason we got into this whole mess." Freya reminded him. "They will tell us what happened when they're ready. Give them time."

From upstairs, Elijah smiled to himself as he heard Freya's words, thankful that his eldest sister understood. He pushed open the door to Evangeline's room, gently laying her down on the bed. As he moved to pull back the covers, she began to shift her body, her eyelids fluttering open.

"Thank you for bringing me back." Evangeline whispered.

Elijah nodded curtly before continuing to pull back the sheets until she climbed underneath them. As Evangeline snuggled in, he sat on the side of the bed next to her.

"I hope you realize how dangerous it was going out alone tonight."

Was he lecturing her?

"Elijah, you don't have to-"

Elijah cut her off. "Don't do that again, Evangeline. If Marcel finds out we've been harboring you this entire time, we're all dead."

"I get it." Evangeline responded, hurt that he was treating her like she was nothing more than a small child.

"Good." Elijah replied, standing from the bed. "Now, get some rest. You used a lot of energy tonight."


Evangeline watched him leave the room, and despite the fact that she refused to feel anything for him, a small sliver of hurt slipped into her heart that night.


Rebekah paced the living room, her mind racing.

"Sister, please stop your worrying." Freya sighed. "We'll find out what happened in time."

"I know what happened." Rebekah interrupted her. "I know and now I want to hear the follow up."

"And you thought by compelling her, you were going to get the answers all your burning questions?"

"Of course I did. She and our brother were hiding something, and I care about them both enough to find out everything."

Freya rolled her eyes at her sister's comment. "Bex, I still don't think compulsion was the best route to take. You could have at least talked to Evangeline a little more-"

"They kissed, Freya." Rebekah blurted.

"They what?!" Freya stood from her perch on the couch and stared at Rebekah wide eyed.

"Evangeline said they kissed and Elijah pulled away."

"No way!" Freya gasped, running a hand through her hair. "Why did he do that?"

"That's what I want to know." Rebekah replied, turning her attention to the stairs. "She said he blamed it on her mother."

"Well, if Elijah did love Céleste as much as you claim he did, it's understandable why he might have felt it was wrong to show affection towards her daughter."

"See, I'm not buying it. Elijah doesn't care about what feels right and wrong. He does what he pleases, which is why I think there's another factor involved."

"I'm sure there is, but I don't think we should pressure either of them about it." Freya sat back down on the couch. "You've done enough as it is, Bex."

"But don't you want to know the whole story?" Rebekah questioned.

"Of course I do, but-"

"But nothing. I want answers and I know how to get them."

"Rebekah, you cannot compel her again-"

"I wasn't going to suggest that I compel her. I was going to suggest that we have a girls day." Rebekah grinned, seeing Freya's frown disappear. "Evangeline never really had a chance to be in a family and if we can make her feel comfortable and trust us, she might just spill the secrets that we are dying to hear."

"That's actually not a bad plan." Freya nodded. "We've begun to think of her as close enough to be family, and that might just be the key we need to get her to open up."

"Then it's settled! Tomorrow we will have a girls day!" Rebekah squealed in excitement.


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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