" Maybe that was because I was not in school, and I've told you not to come visit" he said. " Jemi, let me walk you to class" he said with a smile and stretched out his hands for me to hold.

" Okay" I said and took his hands. We walked past the fuming girls as I tried my best to conceal my laughter, after we were way out of their ear-reach, I burst into laughter. "Ephraim, you are such a snub" I said between laughs, as he smiled.

" She's so lousy"

" Wao, you should try to be less cold you know".

" Uhmmm"

Just then, I saw Dare and Maria leave the class, as the lecturer was about to enter. I rushed into the class just in time, using another door.

" I'll see you later" I hollered at Ephraim as I waved.

I walked to where I was sitting with the girls and sat just in time as the lecturer stepped into the class.

" Where did you go?" Mo' asked.

" I needed to some alone time" I answered.

She smirked and I faced them, Semiloore was grinning widely.
"What?" I asked quietly as the lecturer had started talking.

Mo' pointed at Fikayo and immediately I got the reason why they were like that.
" We heard what happened".

" I know right" I said as I flipped through my book.

" Have you ever imagined the possibility of Ephraim liking you? " Semiloore asked, the lecturer glanced at us and we had to keep quiet.

Hours later we were done with all activities and I was ready to go back to the hostel to prepare for the competition. My only concern was how I was going to have a good night sleep without worrying about Fikayo poking me in the eye while I slept.

" Shemmy, how's your preparation for the competition". I asked Semiloore as we walked towards Mo's car.

" I don't know" she replied sheepishly.

" Err, you shouldn't ask her. It's like I'm the one going for the competition" Mo' said and I giggled. " Everything is covered, publicity, her dress, make up and all".

" Wow, that's great". I said " I need to get to the hostel" I muttered.

" Really? You could come stay with us you know"

" Yeah, but it's my first night in school, I should spend it at the hostel" I said.

" Okay, hope you won't mind a ride" Mo' asked.

" No I don't, I wanted to ask too?" I chuckled.

Getting to the hostel, Fikayo and her friends weren't around. Fikayo's friends, Moyo and Dumebi, were also students in the department. They were quite and naive, the type of people Fikayo loved to boss around. I wondered how Fikayo found joy in people practically worshipping her.

I stared at the room as I sat down, it was beautiful and well spaced. There were two bunks in the room, Moyo and Dumebi occupied the top bunk beds, Dumebi being my bunk mate. The room was spacious with tables with lockers, chairs and a mini wardrobe for each person. The room had its own bathroom and toilet too.

I removed my clothes as I ventured into the bathroom, I had my bath and stepped out. Wearing simple shorts and a tank top, I started to arrange my stuff. Putting some of my clothes in the wardrobe, and putting my books and some provisions in the locker.

After I was done, I reached for the carrier bag that had my food in it. There was a cafeteria right in front of the hostel and I had gotten food when Mo' dropped me off. I opened the food and started to eat, just then the girls opened the door and entered.

" Welcomed girls" I greeted them, not taking my eyes off my food.

" Good evening Miss Special" Fikayo said in a sarcastic tone. I smiled to myself as I continued eating, not taking my eyes from the food for one second.

" Wao, I don't know where that's coming from, but thank you ma'am" I replied " welcome Dumebi, I see you're my bunk mate" I said.

" Good evening" she replied " nice meeting you" Dumebi said in a rather chill tone than I had expected. I glanced at her as I saw Fikayo shot her a death glare.

" Same here" I responded.

"  So Miss goody two shoes, what's your deal with my Ephraim" I wasn't surprised, I smirked as I looked at her.

" First things first, I think I would have to ask you to try to use my real name, I mean, Jemima, more often when addressing me" I said " and also, I am so sure that Ephraim is not 'your' Ephraim. Your sense of entitlement sucks. But if you must know, Ephraim is my friend and not just a friend, a family friend". I added with a smile.

" I don't care. I just want to tell you. Stay away from him, dear JEMIMA? We are working on our relationship and I wouldn't want you to mess it up with your attitudes" she said, with obvious agitation.

" Okay ma'am, do what you like, I hope you don't get tired"

" You! Just watch your words. We are roommates now and even though I despise that fact, I must let you know that this is my territory. Don't cross your boundaries, I warn you". She said.

" Yes ma'am" I responded, throwing my hands in the air in surrender.

After eating, I took my laptop and turned on the internet, there was WiFi in the hostel which made me smile. I started browsing and flipping through some books, I was preparing for the Debate and trying to get facts, coupled with the ideas Ephraim helped me with. I jotted down a lot of things in my jotter and I smiled at how much I had gotten.

Just then I got a call from my mom, picking it up I listened to her speak.

" Good evening baby" she greeted.

" Evening Mom"

" How's the hostel?" She asked.

" Beautiful mom, how's home".

" Home's fine"

"Dad?" I asked as my mom took a deep breath.

" He's not home" her response giving me a mood swing. I closed the laptop as I walked to my bed and lied down.

" Have you called him?" I asked.

" Nope, I don't even care anymore" she answered.

" Mom" I stressed.

" Jemi, it's good you're in school, I'm fine here. Everything is gonna be fine, we'll look out for ourselves first darling" she said.

" Uhmmm"

After few more seconds,  I ended the call. Staring at the upper bunk for a while, I dozed off and slept.

JEMIMAWhere stories live. Discover now