[22] Lover Not A Fighter

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Okay so you know those moments in life when you seriously question your mental stability?

Ya well, I'm definitely questioning it right now as I knock on the wooden door. The sound seems to echo through the chilly afternoon as I wait for someone to answer it.

I need to know if and to who Jace's parents sold me out to. And the only way I can do that is travel all morning to their--yup house.

The door slowly swings open to reveal a much bigger looking house. But then again this neighbourhood is purely giant houses everywhere.

Mrs. Wayland answers it, not bothering to be subtle as her piercing brown eyes scan me over. Her blonde hair is still done in its usual nice waves down to her shoulders. And I'm guessing that her 'normal' job requires the professional attire.

"Clairissa. How unexpected of you to be here." Despite her smile I can feel she'd rather much not see me at her door step.

I nod my head once in her direction. "I want to know if you sold me out to that alpha pack."

She looks taken aback by my confidence to just blurt out what's on my mind. I don't blame her, seeing as how who I am today is nothing close to who I was when they knew me.

"Get inside before someone hears you." She hisses through her tight lipped smile. I let out a breath though my nose and follow her inside. Her annoying heels click loudly on the flooring as she walks through the house.

Not wanting to risk seeing any of the pictures around, I keep my head down as she leads me to what they must use as a office. She shuts the door behind me and moves to stand behind the desk in the room. If I wouldn't have known her for all those years then I would have thought it weird that she brought me in here.

But no, Mrs. Wayland has just always been over the top dramatic whenever she has to do anything that involves the werewolf killing business. I mean you should have seen the type of things they made me build, everything had to be all one-of-a-kind and flashy.

"So what did you need again, dear?" She questions in a sweet tone. I quirk an eyebrow, almost having believed her above par acting skills. Dang hunters and their dang skills.

"Oh I'm sure you heard me nice and clear outside, Helena." I reply in a rude tone. "Did you and your husband sell me out." I repeat, every word coming out slowly from my mouth.

She stays quiet on the opposite side of the room, her lips dip down in an intense frown. I feel like squirming under her stare, but I know that's just what she wants me to do. She wants me to give up and just leave.

"You are an ungrateful child. My family and I gave you so much and for what? For you to come here and accuse us of such things." She spits out.

"First of all I'm turning 22 this month. And secondly you forced me to make horrible things to kill others with." I counter in disbelief. I can't believe she's playing this card again. She would always guilt me into staying longer and making more weapons for them, and I was dumb enough to believe it. But not this time.

"I don't remember it that way." She smiles wickedly. "I remember that you were more then willing to make what we needed to kill off the parasites. What changed your mind?"

Helena slowly moves from behind the desk, making me involuntarily take a step back. Maybe I should have rethought not telling anyone that I was going to be here. "Does it have anything to do with that little brother of yours? Scott, was it?"

"You manipulated the feelings I had for Jace." I respond, my eyes beginning to brim with tears. Her head tilts to the side, seeming to be intrigued by something I said.

Spurious [Sequel To Open Your Eyes] *editing*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang