[8] Late Night Crime Fighting

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Picking myself off of the floor, I immediately squint in order to adjust my sight to the darkness of the woods.

Moonlight is visable only through patches, if there are any, in the treeline above. Unfortunately the spot where I'm standing in has barely enough that it just adds more of an eerie atmosphere to my surroundings.

Alright no need to panic-- it's not like I just woke up in the middle of the night in some random part of the woods where I can most likely freeze to death.

The chill of the dirty floor beneath me quickly sinks its teeth onto every inch of my bare feet with each step. Guess I didn't get the memo to sleepwalk with at least socks on.

Why me, I mean, not that I'd wish this onto someone else, but it's not like I want to be here either. I'm not Jack Frost, I don't live for these type of situations.

The more lit up portions of the woods are an obvious route for me to choose until I hear something small snap nearby. Knowing Beacon Hills it's probably not just my imagination on over drive.

I turn my head to glance behind me, only to make contact with a thick tree branch. Pain fills my senses from seemingly every which way before I'm dragged into unconsciousness.


When I manage to open one eye I understandably expect to see a serial killer's basement, or on the off chance that I was lucky then the dark woods again.

Yet never in the handful of thoughts that my slowly waking brain thought of did I ever imagine a pair of familiar, green eyes to be the sight that I first see.

I lurch up with my hands out to defend myself. Unfortunately the only thing that truly happens it that my head collides with Derek's forehead. "Ow, what the heck is your skull plated with adamantium or something?!"

There's no doubt going to be a bump on my forehead playing the role of my partner in crime after this night. I glare up at Derek upon noticing that the pain from our collision is long gone for him.

He looks at me, blank expression to his face, as he reaches his hand out towards me. Almost instantly do I lean away all the while still pressing my hand to my forehead. There's no chance for me to ask where I'm at as another person enters the room.

"Isaac." I'm relieved to say the least to see the curly haired teen at the door.

I pause, taking a quick glance around to see that the place looks to be some type of abandoned subway station. Honestly where do people find these places?

After a quick run throug my sight settles back towards the teen. He grins at me, before looking towards Derek. I see him give a subtle nod before Isaac latches onto me in a hug.

My arms quickly wrap around him, in all truthfulness I don't trust Derek with three teens in his care. The main reason being that it's Derek Hale that's 'looking over them'. He already showed that he doesn't know crap about watching over teens with the fact that last time I saw Isaac, he was lying paralyzed on my front yard.

"Good to see you again, kid." I say as we pull apart from our hug. A throat clears out, a quick reminder that I'm not at some reunion. I painstakingly turn around to face the last possible person that I want to see right now.

"What were you doing laying around in the woods at this time." Derek's quick to add more. "Especially in that." His finger jabs in the direction of the matching batman t-shirt and pj bottoms that were no longer covered by what seemed like ten blankets that had been placed on me.

"Isn't it obvious, I was doing some late night crime fighting." I sarcastically retort, gesturing towards the logo on my shirt. He gives me an unamused glare making me roll my eyes.

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