[24] Complimenting Compliments

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The disgusting scent of the clear liquid causes my nose to immediately scrunch up in disgust. Ugh, how do people even drink this stuff? This is definitely not how I thought of spending my Friday night.

In all honesty I was just going to rewatch all the recent episodes of something at my apartment in my pjs. But...my eyes travel upward from the small cup in my hand towards my blue-eyed friend Ana--or at least after I drink this she will be again.

Ever since the day I forgot to drive her home from the night of the rave she hasn't spoken a word to me till a few nights ago at work. And only to me that this is the only way to win back her friendship.

Spending my Saturday night at a club I didn't even know existed in Beacon Hills. And not to mention that it's the day before my birthday and I don't exactly spend that day in clubs either.

But it's not like I can explain why I left that night without her. I can't be like 'hey I'm sorry I ditched you that night, but my brother got attacked by some crazy woman who's a hunter because he's a werewolf and I was off chasing some supernatural giant lizard.'

Ya, I don't exactly think that would have been bought by any sane person. She grins at me taking a sip from her own drink.

"Oh my lanta I think I hate you." I shut my eyes tight and tip back my head. The moment the cool edge of the glass touches my lips I almost barf. But I manage to down the drink without doing so.

The shot burns down my throat and if I'm not exaggerating, also makes my eyes twitch as it they open. "First of all, no, you don't hate me." My blonde friend remarks with a small slur to her words.

"You should be thanking me because you, my friend, work waayyy to hard and never do anything for yourself."

She stands up from her seat and yanks me off of mine before dragging me to the dance floor. This is going to be a long night.


Using my shoulder I shove the door open while trying to keep myself from tripping over Ana'a feet. Long story short I kinda got back at her for bringing me here by not monitoring how much she drank. But now I still end up paying for it as I lug a very drunk Ana towards my car.

"Oh god, Ana. You are going to have the hangover of the century my friend." She doesn't really pay attention to my words and only tilts, more like flings, her head to the side so she can look at me.

She gives me a very goofy and obviously drunk grin as she starts to giggle. With how late it is and how incredibly scary that just sounded, I'm more then terrified that she'll turn into something from Silent Hill.

"Okay just stand here while I unlock the door for you." I instruct slowly, knowing that she won't catch my words if I speak at a normal rate.

"Didn't expect to see you here." The voice makes me jump and spin around--but also drop Ana in the process. She's sprawled out on the floor with her hands in a flying position, and her hair all over the place.

I slap a hand to mouth, fighting the urge to want to laugh seeing as how I shouldn't be finding this funny.

"Quick Derek help me get her up!" The laughter bubbles down in my throat as I crouch down to move the now flattened curls out of her face. I look over at him with a frown. "That wasn't funny you assbut. You should know not to sneak up on me when I'm holding up another person's body weight."

"And you should know what to do if someone does 'sneak up' on you." Derek remarks, lifting Ana up without the struggle that I had. I mimic him behind his back as he sets my incredibly passed out friend in the back.

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