[10] Milkshakes And Kanimas

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I twirl the pen in between my fingers as I read through my notes. My shoes are off and I'm sitting barefoot in the operating room in the vet clinic while translating archaic latin.

Is this something I like doing straight after work, no. But seeing as how we can't get someone else to do it without letting them in on the whole supernatural world, then I'm more then willing to miss some relaxing time to help.

You know, people always assume that my life is easy because of how smart I am. They think that I must not struggle and that my life is nothing but a walk in the park. But let me just say that it has been more of a run in the park while being chased by zombies type of thing.

Well for one is that I don't like to dress all office-worker like. But the sad thing is that it helps people not automatically write me off as some 'kid' who doesn't belong in the places I'm at. Yes I know that you shouldn't change who you are for others. But there's only so many glares and harsh words a person can take before it gets to be too much.

I let out a small sigh, as I massage my temple in hopes of getting myself to stop thinking about the bad things in life. But I don't get very far with that seeing as how today is the day that we come up with a plan to find the Kanima master. Hence why I have a whole bunch of papers with translations scattered on one of the examining tables.

At this point I wouldn't find it weird if I started mumbling off things from the bestiary in my sleep.

"Claire." A familiar voice calls from the front room.

"In the back." I answer, trying to tidy up the strew of papers. I smile at Scott as he walks into the room but my smile soon turns into a grin when I notice the bag in his hand.

"Scott you're the best baby brother in the world." I exclaim as he hands me a milkshake. I open my mouth to sing the song, but he quickly shoots me a don't-you-dare look. I pout but nonetheless keep my vocal cords from strumming.

Well fine then...I just thought it would be nice to have abit of music to go along with our drinks. Not to mention that Scott Stiles and I, well mainly Stiles and I, have this thing that if we don't sing the song one of us gets a brain-freeze.

"I'm your only brother. So you have no other choice." He remarks, shooting me a goofy grin.

"That's not true, I consider Stiles my brother too." I point out. "But since you brought me a milkshake you take that title today." I pinch his cheeks, making him let out an annoyed huff before pushing my hands away.

"So um...Derek is stopping by to help." Scott says, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"Alright." I nod, taking a sip of my drink. He lets out a small breath of air, mostly likely because I didn't react the way he was expecting.

"You're not mad that I'm still talking to him or anything?" He raises an eyebrow. I take another long sip, shaking my head.

"Mad no, but mainly because we do need his help." I explain. Scott nods his head in understanding before chugging down the rest of his drink. His face immediately contorts in pain before clutching his head.

"Ha! That's what you get for not letting me sing the song." I laugh, smacking the palm of my good hand down on the table. He sends me an irritated look which only makes me laugh more.

"Alright, well I'm going to go wait for him at the front." He says, before making his way to the main room of the clinic. The last of my laugh dies down as I turn my attention back to the milkshake in my hand.

To be honest, I actually am not mad if Scott talks to Derek because there are two things that I thought of a few nights ago.

One is that I'm not mad that he didn't let Scott find out if he could cure being a werewolf, because it would have meant that Scott needed to murder someone. And no matter how bad the person or situation is, there is always another option then to kill.

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