[16] Advice From A Drunk Guy

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My eyes flicker to my neatly made bed and I let out a heavy sigh. I think it's pure will power mixed with guilt, fear, and a little bit of redbull that's keeping me going right now.

But to be honest...I'm starting to believe that I'm actually seeing a giant mechanical fire-breathing bull in the middle of my room every couple of hours.

A knock on my door jolts me out of my thoughts, making me accidentally knock some papers on the ground. "Claire?" My moms voice is taut with nervousness as she partially opens the door.

I slowly stand up from my desk chair, and it's not until she opens the door completely that I see why her tone was so terrified.

"I don't think that we've been properly introduced, Claire. I'm Gerard." The elder Argent remarks from behind me mother--with a Kanima besides him.

"I know who you are." I respond, standing still in the middle of my room. Afraid that if I take even the slightest step that he'll hurt my mother. He smiles and I instantly can see were Kate got her crazy from.

"As do I. But I didn't stop by for an introduction I came to speak to you and your brother about more important matters at hand." He says. I rack my tired brain for something that he could want from Scott and I, and then it hits me. Derek, that's what this is about.

"I don't know where Derek is. He hates me, so he hasn't spoken to me in a while." I reply, making sure to keep my heartbeat at an even rate. Despite the fact that I'm not lying--and that I'm downright terrified right now.

But on the flip side, I think he scared the sleep out of me for the rest of the day.

He frowns, not believing a word coming out of my mouth. "And why's that? Because last that I heard, you and Derek had a very close relationship." He counters.

"Had. We had a sorta close relationship." I correct, eyeing my terrified mother as the Kanima steps closer to her.

I lick my dry lips, knowing that I need to convince him quickly. "He found out that I had been helping a group of hunters awhile back and stopped making any type of contact with me." I confess, my tone hinting at just a fraction of the guilt that I've been holding in.

Gerard folds his hand behind his back before turning to leave the room. "It seems to me that I should have spoken to you alot sooner. Lets go see if your brother is any more useful." Before I have the chance to talk to my mom, the Kanima grabs her and forcefully pulls her away.

Panic starts to overwhelm me as I rush into Scott's room after them. When I enter Scott is standing with a towel around his waist as Gerard causally sits on a chair.

Scott only spares me a glance as we both look over at the Kanima holding our mom by the neck up in the corner of the room.

"Let her go, and we can talk about whatever you want." Scott agrees.

"I want the same thing that I have always wanted. I want Derek and his pack." Gerard says, clasping his hands together on his lap. I nervously gnaw on the inside of my cheek, this guy definitely had two scoops of psycho in his coffee this morning.

"We don't know were any of them are. You have them all hiding." I speak up, helplessly watching my mom struggle. He stands up from the chair and looks between Scott and I with an air of superiority.

"I think with the proper motivation, you two are more then capable of drawing them out." He tells us, his tone implying that we have no other choice.

"And if you haven't noticed, I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people." He gloats, eyeing the Kanima with pride. "Why do you think I'm able to control him? Oh I'm sure you two are quite familiar with the myth. The Kanima is a weapon of vengeance."

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