[6] Trackers On Everything

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Pulling up to the front of the building, I look down at my GPS then back up at the club. Well I guess the Kanima is up for abit of clubbing tonight. I hastily exit my car before locking it up and spotting Scott and Stiles in an alleyway by the building.

"He's inside." I mumble, loud enough for Scott to pick up with his hearing. He nods before heading down the alleyway with Stiles.

I get in line and wait for my turn, hopefully nobody wonders why I'm going inside just by myself. Because lets just say I'm not this type of club's usual occupant.

Oddly enough without so much as an odd look, the bouncer lets me in. Walking inside, my eyes immediately begin to wander around for any sign of Scott or Stiles. Christ, these lights should come with a seizure warning or something.

Then again it might just be the fact that I've only ever been to a club once before and that was when I use to live in LA. My friends forced me after I yelled at them that Dean Winchester was the only man I needed in my life. It's safe to say that they thought I needed a break from my Supernatural marathon that night.

I walk around, squeezing myself through the mass of semi nude bodies until I reach the bar. "Remind me to put a tracker on you two next time." I say, well more like yell over the loud music. They both jump, making me roll my eyes as I narrowly miss getting Stiles soda spilled on me.

"How'd you know where he was?" Scott asks. I take out a small GPS from my purse and show it to both of them. "You shot a tracker at it back in the front yard, didn't you."

I nod in response. "Sorry if I scared you guys when I had my bow out. But anyway, trackers are a life savior when it comes to Kanimas." I explain, giving them a small smile so as not to look like some maniac running around with a militarized compound bow.

They both look at me skeptically, but if they have a question in mind they keep it to themselves. Which is good because I don't think now is the time to explain my extensive knowledge or supplies.

"Uh guys, I found Danny." Stiles points out into the overcrowded dance floor. I go to speak, but the small beep of the GPS makes me look down at it instead. Holy--he's here after Danny.

"I found Jackson." Scott says, making our gaze follow his up towards the ceiling of the building.

"We'll get Danny, you get Jackson." I instruct, before making my way to the dance floor. After pushing around for a few moments, I find that I can't see Danny anywhere.

I stop and turn around. "Do you--" I cut myself off just as the fog starts to get thick, and hey wouldn't you know it Stiles is nowhere in sight. What the hell, I thought he was right behind me?!

"Are you kidding me right now." I mutter annoyed. What the heck, do I have to have him on one of those toddler-leashes or something. My eyes scan the overcrowded dance floor till landing on a familiar looking buzz cut. That was a lot easier then finding Waldo, I'll tell you that.

An amused look grows on my face as I walk over to him. I grab his arm before pulling him out of the man circle he was stuck in the middle of. I'm definitely putting trackers on him and Scott after this.

"If there wasn't a giant lizard on the loose, I would have left you in there." I tell him, glancing around for any sign of Danny. Maybe I should just put a tracker on everyone in this town.

"How kind." Stiles sarcastically retorts. I send him a shut-up-and-start-looking stare before someone thinks it a brilliant idea to pump more fog into this place. Alright, I'm starting to think that someones trying to get me to face plant on the floor or something.

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