13 - Packing

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(y/n)'s POV

I was back in my dorm room after school had already ended. Man, I really have no idea what I'm supposed to pack for this training camp! I thought, getting all frustrated before flopping onto my bed and staring up at my ceiling. Maybe I should ask Katsuki... I reached for my phone and started typing, but then my finger just hovered over the send button. It must be hard for him to have to go back there after being kidnapped by the LOV. Then I hit send.

--hey katuski, what should i pack for the camp?

I waited a few minutes for a reply then heard a *ding* come from my phone.

--What the hell you asking me for?

Damn that's a nice attitude he's got towards his girlfriend.. I literally just asked a simple question. Then I heard another *ding*.

--Pack some clothes, toothbrush, that type of shit dumbass.

--bruh, i know that but i figured that if it's for a training camp i might need something other than the bare necessities. 

--if you need anything to help with your quirk then bring it but otherwise just take what you need.

--kay thanks katsuki.

I stood up and went to grab some clothes from my closet and a duffle bag as I heard my phone chime again. I set my clothes onto the bed and picked up my phone and read the message.

--Oi, come down to my dorm.

That's not a question..

--what's the magic word?

A few moments passed until he finally responded.

--... Please..

--fine, be right there katsuki.

I walked out to the elevator with my phone in my hand. "Yo Okumura!" I glanced over to see Sero walking towards me where I was waiting for the elevator. Well shit. 

"H-Hey Sero, what's up?"

"Not much, where you heading?" I didn't wanna tell him that I was going to Katsuki's room so...

"Oh uh, I was planning on going and saying hi to Mina and Ochaco down on the fourth floor... What about you dude?"

"Wow what a coincidence, I was about to head down to the fourth floor to hang with Kirishima and Kaminari." Great... just great... 

"Oh nice!" The elevator doors opened and we both got on and I pushed the fourth floor button. We waiting a minute and then got off on the fourth floor. I walked across the hall towards Ochaco's room. I watched as Sero knocked on Kirishima's door. I looked at my phone and saw that I missed a text from Katsuki.

--Hey dumbass, what's taking you so long?

--i ran into sero on my way here, so now i have to wait til he goes into kirishima's room

I looked back at Sero as Kirishima let him in and his door closed. I let out a bit of a sigh. Then I heard the door in front of me open and saw Ochaco and Mina standing in the doorway. "Oh my gosh, Okumura-chan!! What're you doing here?" Wow, the universe must really find humor in tormenting me, huh?

"Oh h-hey guys! I was uh just coming down cause I wanted to ask what kinds of things I needed to take for the training camp?"

"Oh uh not much really. You know, regular like traveling things and then whatever you need to help improve your quirk is basically it." Ochaco said.

"Oh okay thank you! Oh and I guess this would be a good time to get both of your numbers so I don't just show up out of the blue like this." I mean it is a good idea to have some of my friends' numbers.

"Oh of course, here give me your phone real quick!" Mina snatched my phone out of my hand and started typing in her contact. *ding* Oh no, what now...? "Ooooh Okumura, looks like you got a text from Katsuki... it says..." Oh my god he better not have said anything bad... "'Hurry up dumbass what's taking you so long?" Mina and Ochaco both looked up at me, a little suspicious as Mina handed Ochaco the phone for her to put her number in. 

"Oh uh y-yeah so I was playing some games with him online so h-he's waiting for me to finish my turn... haha yeah." I started feeling a little panicky. I mean it's not like I need to hide the fact that I'm going to his room from them or anything. I trust them not to share and I know they wouldn't pester me about it but I just don't think it's the best idea anyways.

"Oh okay, well we won't keep him or you waiting then!" Ochaco handed me my phone then they walked out of Ochaco's room and towards Mina's room that was at the other end of the hall. "Hey Okumura, we're gonna be hanging out in my room for a while talking if you wanna join us!" Mina called out to me.

"Okay cool thanks for the invite, maybe in a bit!" I pretended to walk towards the elevator as they opened Mina's door. I looked back to see them shut it and then I practically ran over to Katsuki's room. I needed to make sure no one else was gonna see me here... again... As I approached his door, I heard the elevator ding as the doors were about to open. I didn't even wait to knock on Katsuki's door and instead just barged in and slammed it shut. Damn that was stressful... I thought as I let out a sigh. And then I looked up at Katsuki.... who was shirtless... and staring right back at me, looking a little surprised. I started blushing uncontrollably and I looked away as I stuttered. "I-I-I am so sorry, I just- it's just- uh someone was gonna come out of the elevator and I just didn't want to explain what I was doing here cause I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to be here so yeah I'm sorry!" I blurted out quickly. Then I heard some footsteps coming towards me and I looked down.

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