4 - After Class

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(y/n)'s POV

"Oi." I heard as I was opening the doors to leave UA. 

I stopped to turn around and saw Bakugo heading towards me.

"What is it?" I asked slightly annoyed. I couldn't help but look him up and down as he was getting closer. He's a few inches taller than me, maybe like 5'7"ish and he has spiky blonde hair and crimson eyes. It was kinda hard to tell with his uniform but he was definitely in shape with some muscles. I realized I had been staring too long and looked back up at him. "So.. you gonna tell me why you stopped me?"

"Oh uh..." He stopped talking for a second, looking away. "You heading to the dorms?" He asked me.

"Oh I probably need to stop home to get a few things so I can move in properly. Why do you ask?"

"Want some help?" He said kinda sternly. I would expect someone offering help to ask with a smile or at least with a nice looking expression, but he looked at me with his usual annoyed look on his stupid face.

"Why would you offer me any help?" I questioned, kinda skeptical because I wouldn't have pegged this dude to be the kind of person to offer someone they barely know help. 

"Well, figured you could use it. Since you're a scrawny dumbass." He paused. I was about to speak up but when I went to open my mouth he continued, "And you said you didn't have any friends so I figured you wouldn't have any help." That was kinda sweet that he thought about that. But did he really have to call me a dumbass?? 

"You know what? Thanks, I really could use the help actually since my mom won't be home to help me. But on one condition."

He looked at me with his brows furrowed a bit. "You're not in any spot to tell me you have conditions, you're below me you damn extra."

"Oh just shut up you big baby." I said jokingly. But he looked like he was about to rip my head off so I continued before he could shout. "All it is is that you need to start calling me by my name. You got that?" 

"Tch whatever.... Okumura." He looked away. There was a moment of silence.

"How about you just call me (y/n)?" I was looking down at the ground, kinda flustered. But when I looked back at him, he was already staring at me, kinda shocked, his mouth slightly ajar. I mean I'm not surprised, I did just tell him to call me by my first name without any honorifics after talking to him only twice. 

"Tch whatever.......... (y/n)." He started walking past me, but I could've sworn I saw him slightly blushing and smiling a little as he walked away. I just kind stood there until he started yelling again. "Oi! You coming or what? I can't help you if you ain't gonna guide me to wherever the fuck your house is dumbass!" I started skipping to catch up and then I smacked him on the back of the head and continued skipping away.

"Hey you know what my name is... dumbass." I shouted back to him. He just about lost it and started running at me, screaming.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME SHORTY??!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" I picked up the pace and started sprinting towards my house while laughing.

Because we were running full speed in a cat-and-mouse type chase, we reached my front door in about 5 minutes instead of the usual 10 minutes it would take walking. I rushed in and slammed the door in Bakugo's face. I heard a loud "bam" as he collided into the door. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR DUMBASS!!!" He called from the outside. 

"Nope, you need to chill out Bakugo. And my name isn't dumbass stupid." 

A couple of seconds of silence passed and I almost thought that he had just stomped off but as I was reaching to open the door to check, I heard in a much softer voice, "Dammit, just open the door (y/n)..." Bakugo's voice trailed off for a second. I felt my face heat up and for some reason it felt almost as if my heart had skipped a beat. Was it because he said my name with such a kind tone?  I thought. Or could it just be that I subconsciously realized that I had invited a boy I barely knew over to my house when no one else was home. Either way I opened the door for him. 

meeting 𝓱𝓮𝓻 - katsuki bakugo x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now