28 - It's Them... Isn't It

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image in the header above: credits to @kdm_plants on twitter

(y/n)'s POV

We've been driving for around 30 minutes before I see Ren start pulling into a cave. I sat up straighter. Peering into the opening, I couldn't see far in as it was dark and looked undisturbed. I tapped Ren's shoulder. "Um hey Ren, you do realize you're driving us into a cave right?" I was hoping that he just zoned out and that he meant to take a different turn. He nods his head though.

"Yeah, this is the entrance to one of our hideouts." We've now entered the cave and everything was dark for a few seconds until I felt the car park and a bunch of lights suddenly came on, leaving me in momentary blindness. After a few seconds of letting my eyes adjust, I looked over and saw that Ren was already on my side of the car and opening my door. I unbuckled myself and stood up, closing the car door behind me. I looked around and saw that it was still just me and Ren here. I gave him a confused look, to which he deciphered quickly. "Don't worry, they're just waiting in the main room for us. He locked the car and started walking towards one of 4 hallways. I was trying to take in my surroundings, but when I was walking too slowly, Ren came up behind me and starting gently guiding me a little faster to our destination. We arrived at some grand double doors and that's when Ren stepped back in front of me, taking the door handles in his grasp. He looked back to me for confirmation. "Ready?" He asked, offering a small smile. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." I clenched my fists then relaxed them, trying to calm my nerves. He swung open the door and I was met by the gaze of three people: on the left was a guy with dark hair and scars, the middle was a guy with greyish blue hair and red eyes, and on the right was a girl who looked around my age, dressed in a school uniform. When I glanced at Ren though, he looked shocked and almost distressed.

"What are you guys doing here right now, where's everyone else?" He questioned, taking a step in front of me, almost in a protective way. The guy in the middle laughed a little bit.

"Oh I guess they didn't tell a small fry like you.. but we basically relocated them so they wouldn't be in our way. Guess they didn't want you around anymore." He let out another laugh. I scowled at them.

"Hey, no need to make a face like that now Princess." The guy with the black hair and scars smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and the same time everybody else did.

"Don't call me Princess." I said annoyed. Then I added. "Who are you guys and why are you even here. Based on Ren's reaction,  we were supposed to have met someone else." I point to the look Ren's face is sporting at the moment. 

"We're the League of Villians. I'm Dabi, that's Shigaraki and the girl's Toga." The one with black hair gestured. I slowly nodded.

"Okay well that only answered half of the question... Why are you here" I crossed my arms. Then Toga spoke up.

"She's being annoying, can I cut her up?" She pulled a knife and was about to start coming at me until Shigaraki told her to calm down. 

"We don't owe you any explanations, but we will be taking you with us. Dabi.." Shigaraki nodded at Dabi. So Dabi started walking towards me. He stopped when Ren jumped in front of me.

"No, you won't lay a finger on her. I won't let you hurt her!" Dabi only chuckled. 

"Well then," He grabbed Ren by the collar and his other hand sparked blue flames. "I guess we'll make Princess decide then." My eyes widened as he moved the flames closer to Ren. "You make the choice Princess, his life and we take you by force, or you come with us willingly. You've got three seconds." I looked back and forth between the scene in front of me and the other members of the league, who just looked bored and didn't seem to really care about the outcome. I clenched by fists and my jaw. "Three..." he started counting. That's when I thought I might be able to take them... I raised my hands. "Two..." He inched the flame closer to Ren. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "One..." As soon as he went to hit Ren with flames, I conjured up energy orbs and through them at him, it hit his arm and sent little embers flying everywhere, but Ren was safe. I ran to grab him but Dabi grabbed my forearm tightly, I couldn't get out of his grasp. "That was a dirty trick kid, but that's definitely going to be a useful quirk." He pulled me to him and hoisted me over his shoulder. I tried kicking and punching but it wasn't any use, he wouldn't release me. I looked at Ren as The League of Villians started carrying me out with them. I gave Ren a pleading look but he just sat there with despair and fear in his eyes. I took a deep breath before going to yell at him.

"GO FIND AIZAWA AND KATSUKI!!" I yelled, his eyes widened before he nodded and ran out of the room. 

"Tch she's too loud, shut her up." Shigaraki said.

"Yeah whatever." I was taken off Dabi's shoulder, but as I was trying to run I got hit in the back of the head. My consciousness was fading and I felt myself black out, collapsing at his feet.


When I woke up, I was in a completely different place, strapped to a chair. I took in my surroundings and noticed that I was in a.... bar? I noticed that their were four people in front of me this time. It was Dabi, Toga, Shigaraki, and a new person who looked like a plume a smoke that took human shape. A pang pounded in my head, a migraine was hitting me hard after being knocked out. 

"Hi! I'm Toga, we should totally get along! Tell me..." Her tone dropped. "How do you feel about knives and blood...?" She inched towards me, a vial in one hand and a blade in the other. My eyes widened and I tried to move the chair back. 

"Toga calm down. We can't have her hurting, at least not yet." Shigaraki started scratching at his neck. Dabi was seated at a table and drinking, the smoke-guy was behind the bar and pouring another drink. Toga pouted and took a couple steps back, jumping to take a seat on the bar top. 

"Where am I, what do you guys want with me?" I asked, glaring at them. Dabi rolled his eyes.

"We don't owe you an explanation, as I have said earlier." Shigaraki stood and walked towards me. "You're gonna want to cooperate though, or something bad could happen..." He reached next to my head and placed his hand on the chair, a couple seconds later I was on the floor and the chair was gone. My eyes widened. "So, here's what's gonna happen: you're going to be staying with us for a while and we're going to train you to our standards. Then you're gonna help us. Sound good? Good."

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