8 - Towel Embarrassment

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(y/n)'s POV

"N-no, I started waking up right about when you stopped playing with my hair..." Bakugo said as he sat up to face me.

"Oh uh.. um.. well.. anyways I just was waiting for you to wake up so that I could thank you for letting me sleep.. again... haha so um yeah." I said as I started to get up and walk to the door. But I was suddenly yanked back when he grabbed my wrist. I was pulled into a hug. "B-B-Bakugo?!? W-what are y-you doing??" I was panicking a little bit and I still hadn't hugged back.

"I-....I- uh..." He let go of me and I just stared at him, his face was red and he was avoiding eye contact. "Uh it's nothing. Just forget it. Goodnight (y/n)." He slightly nodded his head and gave me a small wave, still not looking at me.

"Y-yeah, goodnight Bakugo.." I said as I left his room and headed up to my room. When I got there I grabbed my sandals, shower bag, and towel. "Ugh, I hate that the showers are down on the first floor." Damn, it's late, I'm gonna be the only one down on the first floor. The girls' locker room was scary enough as it is so it doesn't help that I'll be down there alone at night. I left my room, locked it and got into the elevator and hit the first floor button. The whole way descending, I couldn't help but replay tonight's events. UUGHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS GONNA KISS HIM AT THE BEACH AND THAT I KISSED HIS FOREHEAD WHEN HE WASN'T EVEN ASLEEP!!!! I started blushing but my thought was interrupted when the elevator dinged and the doors opened at the first floor. I strutted over to the showers, got the water running, and started undressing. 

"♫ Shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titaaaaniiiiuumm! ♫" I started just singing at the top of my lungs. After all, no one was there to hear me. It only took me about 15 minutes to shower. Ya know, since I like to sing a whole ass concert. When I finished the last song and rinsing the conditioner from my hair, I turned off the water, grabbed my towel and started drying off. That's when I realized, Shit I forgot my pajamas in my room!! "For fuck's sake..." I sighed and tied my towel around my body, slid my sandals on, grabbed my dirty clothes and shower bag, and walked out of the locker room. And as if things couldn't get any worse.


I shifted my gaze to see that Bakugo was standing outside the boy's locker room. He was standing there with only his towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets dripping from his hair and rolling down his torso. "H-hey there Bakugo.." I let out a slight sigh as I quickly looked him up and down. *gulp* OH MY GOD DID I LITERALLY JUST GULP? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME ALSDFHKADSLJKASLDKJA

"Uh.. um.. I-.. Um, well this is embarrassing.." He said as he rubbed his neck.

"Yeah no kidding."

"Why are you only in a towel?"

"Bruh, I could literally ask you the same thing!" I said as I gestured to the fact the he was only in a towel and his whole upper body was exposed. He started blushing.

"Yeah well I figured I would be the only one down here considering it's late and basically everyone else is asleep."

"Wow... good one. That's a nice excuse you got there." I scoffed a little bit and he just rolled his eyes in response.

"So you gonna answer my question dumbass?"

"Okay first off, stop calling me dumbass, dumbass. And second off, I just forgot my pajamas in my dorm room. Okay? I did not choose to be standing here in my towel with nothing else on, unlike you." I retorted.


"Okay well, I'm heading up to my room." I said as I started heading to the elevator.

"Tch, wait for me. I gotta head up to my room too dumbass." Bakugo started to catch up with me. I stopped in my tracks.

"Didn't I just tell you to stop calling me dumbass?" I said, visibly frustrated. 

"Whatever (y/n), I'll call you what I damn please." He said as he walked past me. I blushed a little before walking to catch up with him as he hit the elevator button. We stood there in silence and then got in when the doors opened. We started to ascend. Around the second floor up, Bakugo turned to face me and said, "So are we gonna talk about earlier?"

"What do you mean?" I said sort of defensively as I started blushing and turned my head the other way. He moved in front of me.

"Don't say that, you know exactly what I mean. At the beach and just earlier when you k-" The elevator doors dinged at the fourth floor.

"Oh haha, looks like this is your stop. Time for you to get off. Goodnight Bakugo!" I said as I lightly shoved him out of the elevator. I hit the close door button and waved goodbye as he stood in the hallway in shock. When the doors closed I leaned against the side of the elevator and started blushing uncontrollably. What the hell was he thinking bringing that up? I couldn't talk about that yet. Or ever probably. I don't even know what I'm feeling so how could I explain any of it? 

The elevator doors opened and I walked to my room and went in and changed into my pajamas. I plopped down on my bed, grabbed my pillow, and screamed into it. I turned on my side and curled up into a ball. What the hell, why is my heart still beating so fast? You know what, it's whatever I'm just going to go to sleep before I have to go to school tomorrow. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

Bakugo's POV

Tch what the hell was that all about? I opened the door to my dorm room, walked in and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. Did she really have to shove me out of the elevator like that? I sat on my bed feeling somewhat frustrated with this whole situation. I grabbed my phone, I was gonna ask what her deal was but realized I didn't actually have her number. Well shit man. I laid down and thought about earlier. How we almost kissed at the beach and how I woke up in her lap and she kissed my forehead. I placed a finger in the spot that she kissed and smiled. I turned onto my side and decided to sleep. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander to her. Damn she's gorgeous. I started to think about when I saw her standing there in her towel. Water was dripping from her hair. And although the towel covered enough, there was still quite a bit of her skin showing. I started to blush and just replay today's events one by one. And then I started getting sleepy and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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