24 - So 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 Back..

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(y/n)'s POV

I woke up with a start, back in the bed I was stuck in earlier. A cold sweat dripped down the side of my face, only to be patted off by a towel. I looked to my side and saw that it was Aizawa-sensei seated beside me. 

"I know you just woke up Okumura, but I need you to answer me... What did you mean when you said 'he's back'?" My eyes shut tightly, flashbacks plagued my head of him. My breathing started speeding up, it was hard to get any oxygen. "Calm down Okumura!" Aizawa-sensei got my attention and tried to get me to stop freaking out. I was able to get a few solid deep breaths in luckily before he asked another question. "Now that you've had a moment to breathe and calm down, tell me who 'he' is." He leaned forward, putting his hands on his knees and staring at me. I kept my breathing stable for a few more breaths before my response. 

"Their name is Satsuki Ren..." I said, twiddling my fingers and looking down. (a/n: satsuki ren is an oc)

"Who is Satsuki Ren?" Aizawa-sensei asked. I took another deep breath.

"He.... I knew them back when we were kids.. the last time I saw him was when....." words stopped flowing. I couldn't bring myself to think about him more than I had to.

"When what Okumura?" Aizawa pushed me to speak. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Another breath in and out.

"I-I thought he died back then but I guess he didn't and now he's back and I'm scared and I don't know what to do..!" I let the tears flow freely now, and felt a hand patting my back comfortingly. 

"Hey, you're gonna be okay, we're not going to let anybody hurt you." Aizawa reassured me. Sniffling, I tried to speak up.

"I-It's not me that I'm n-necessarily w-worried about," I paused when he looked at me slightly confused "It's everyone else that I'm worried about." I stammered through the sentence and kept crying. He placed both hands on my shoulder and sat beside me, then brought me in for a quick hug before letting me go and walking to the doorway.

"I understand your concern Okumura. When you're ready I want you to tell me everything you know about Satsuki Ren. In the meantime while you work your way there, do you need anything?" He asked opening the door and waiting for an answer. 

"Um.. where's Katsuki?" I asked timidly, still sniffling a bit. 

"He's still out doing training, if I remember correctly they're supposed to be on a break in about 10 minutes. Want me to send him your way then?" I nodded. As Aizawa-sensei was about to walk out I grabbed his attention.

"Um sensei, can Katsuki be here too when I tell you about Ren?" I grabbed my blanket, fidgeting with nervously.

"Why? I mean the answer is yes but why do you specifically want him here?" He questioned, turning back to face me. 

"He's closest to me here at UA and the more people that are aware the better. But having said that, I don't wanna give a speech about him in front of a huge crowd so after I tell you, I expect you to brief other teachers and heroes about it as well. I just thought Katsuki would wanna hear it from me personally." I said straightforward. I paused for a moment. "And can I just tell you everything during the break since you and Katsuki will be available? I don't want to repeat myself if at all possible."

"Yeah sure that's fine, but will you be able to? Considering you were crying just shortly ago, don't you want more time to ready yourself?" 

"I want to get this over with, I try not to think about them or what happened but there's not really any other way." He nodded. 

"Alright, I'll see you in about 10 minutes then, and I'll make sure to bring Bakugo." He closed the door behind him. Dammit Ren, why did you have to show up again..?! I felt a few tears slip down my cheek and could feel myself start to shake a little bit. 

meeting 𝓱𝓮𝓻 - katsuki bakugo x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now