26 - Another Appearance

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(y/n)'s POV

"The... Big Three...?" I was a little confused, it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

"They were third years last year. Anyways, I was thinking about having Suneater on guard for her." Aizawa faced Katsuki. "What do you think Bakugo?" He uncrossed his arms and sat forward now.

"Tch." Katsuki looked away. "That's fine...." he mumbled, not facing anyone. Aizawa nodded to this. 

"Now.... you can come in." He looked at the door, making us turn around confused. The door slowly opened and revealed.... Todoroki..? What's he doing here?  "Any reason you were eavesdropping Todoroki?" Aizawa stood up and walked towards him. He glanced at me and then looked at Aizawa-sensei and shook his head. 

"I could hear Bakugo as I was walking by. I apologize for overhearing." He bowed slightly.

"What did you hear?" Aizawa crossed his arms again.

"Not much," Todoroki said standing straight again "I heard something about Okumura being a target and about her needing protection. I missed the beginning of whatever the conversation was." He looked at me again, then at Katsuki before finally turning his attention back to Aizawa-sensei. Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well we may as well just make use of you being aware of the situation. Todoroki I want you to be one of the people guarding and looking after Okumura. Alright?" Todoroki nodded, but I could practically feel Katsuki's upset aura being emitted from his body. 

"Does he really need to Aizawa-sensei? I mean she already has me by her side and soon enough we'll get Suneater, so why does he need to be here?!" Katsuki started raising his voice. Aizawa only rolled his eyes at this before facing him.

"Look, we don't know if Satsuki's working alone or with others. She's gonna want all the protection she can get alright? So man up and stop acting like a jealous puppy already!" Aizawa finally raised his voice, causing the three of us to drop our jaws slightly with widened eyes. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Katsuki tensed up. I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down, but he shook my hand off and stormed out of the room. He slammed the door behind him. I sighed, then felt Todoroki place his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he gave a very small smile.

"Just let him blow off some steam. He'll come around." He ruffled my hair then took a few steps back, giving me some space. I gave a small smile back before turning my attention back to sensei. But right when he was about to open his mouth to talk, suddenly the curtains disappeared. And there he stood. Ren was right outside the window, waving at me. I stumbled backwards into Todoroki. He moved me behind him and shielded me. Ren slide open the window and climbed in.

"Not. Another. Step." Aizawa's scarf started to move and he took a stance between Ren and us. Ren put his hands up. 

"Now calm down dude. I just want to talk to (y/n).... at least for now." He smirked, and then the curtains reappeared behind him. I was confused until I saw that Aizawa was using his quirk to stop Ren's. 

"I don't think she wants to speak with you." Todoroki took a step forward so he was side-by-side with Aizawa. 

"Aw, you're not going to let her speak for herself? That doesn't seem very fitting for a hero-to-be." He was trying to provoke Todoroki. Before Todoroki could speak, I ran out a few steps between the three guys. 

"Ren, I don't know what it is you want from me exactly but you're not welcome here. Leave." I held one hand out and now held an orb. He knew my quirk and was aware that this was a projectile. His eyes slightly widened momentarily before going back to normal and he dropped his hands to his side, taking one step forward. Todoroki and Aizawa tried to move forward but I signaled for them not to move. They listened and stayed where they were. Ren stopped moving after he took a step towards me.

"Wow.... I never thought I'd be on the receiving end of that.... always thought I'd be beside you (n/n)..." He said with a sad look in his eyes. It pained me to see that look on his face, but I couldn't give in. 

"Ren.... why are you here?" I kept my hand outstretched with an orb at my disposal, not dropping my guard.

"I told you, I can explain it to you if you come with me." He opened his arms, beckoning for me to go to him. I shook my head.

"I can't... how am I supposed to trust you right now?"My hand slightly lowered but still ready if I need to fight. I felt so conflicted....

"Look, I won't hurt you. I'll show you all my empty pockets. I'll even let you bring one of your friends along so you don't feel alone." He started taking his jacket and hoodie off and showing all his pockets, which were in fact empty. 

"How do I know it's not a trap?" I was still skeptical. I don't know his motives and he won't tell me unless I leave with him. And now he is telling me to bring someone with me? What the hell is going on? He shrugged.

"Trust me... for old times' sake." His eyes were pleading with me. I dropped my hand completely, losing all hostility I had for him. I turned around to Todoroki and Aizawa, they looked at me with concern and confusion, still in battle-ready stance. 

"I'll be back guys." I said turning back around and walking into Ren's embrace. I looked back over my shoulder to see their faces in shock. 

"Okumura you can't go." Aizawa said, taking a couple steps towards us. I glanced back at Todoroki who, for the most part, looked unfazed but he still looked concerned. 

"I'm sorry sensei. Todoroki. This is just something I have to do. I'll be back when I resolve this. Please tell Katsuki what happened. But I don't want the class to freak out... so tell them I had a family situation... I'll be back soon ...." I turned around and climbed out the window with Ren, who was now smiling widely. 

author's note: hehe i hope you guys are liking this twist that i've added. lol this is so far from what i originally had planned but i think this will turn out to be a good piece of writing, or at least not bad lmao. love ya and thank you for the encouragement to keep going with this! <3

meeting 𝓱𝓮𝓻 - katsuki bakugo x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now