22 - Time Out

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Katsuki's POV

"Bakugo, what's going on?" Aizawa said, crouching down beside me. 

"I don't know, all I saw was her fainting and fall off the summit. Shoji caught her in time, but she still hasn't regained consciousness." I said, tilting her body slightly so that he could see the state she was in. He let out a sigh.

"Alright, there's not too much we can do besides let her rest and hope the recovery goes well since we don't have Recovery Girl with us." He paused while I slowly nodded, still not taking my eyes off her. "Bakugo, take her inside to the nurses' office and get her situated on one of the cots. Put a dampened towel on her forehead. Okay?" He waited for me to nod again before standing and walking to reassure some of the others that everything was fine; a few of the other students saw the ordeal and were worried. 

I cradled (y/n) bridal style before standing up and walking towards the camp building, heading for the nurses' office. I kept glancing down at her face the whole way there. Stupid, I told you to take it easy, but what does your dumbass go and do? You push yourself til you fall off a cliff. Idiot. I was a little unnerved from seeing how close she was to hitting the ground, thankful Shoji had made it in time. 

I slid open the door to the nurses' office and walked to the nearest bed, setting her down gently and looking for a small towel for her forehead. Aizawa never said that I had to go back to training, but I'm gonna stay here anyways. I found the towel and doused it with cold water in the sink, then placed it neatly on her forehead. I scanned over her features, and considering how close she was to.............. I couldn't even finish the sentence...... she's still so beautiful. I dragged a chair over to her bedside and took a seat. I crossed one leg over the other, folding my arms and leaning back in my chair. (y/n) hasn't stirred at all this whole time, hopefully she wakes up soon... I thought as a wave of tiredness and exhaustion suddenly washed over me, making my eyelids heavy. As much as I wanted to stay awake by her side, sleep eventually took a hold of me and I dozed off.

(y/n)'s POV

I woke up with a start, shooting up and noticing that I was sitting in the bed of an unfamiliar space. Shortly after I sat up, a blinding headache pounded my head and I rubbed my temples, trying to alleviate it. I looked around to take in my surroundings, and saw Katsuki sleeping in a chair beside me. How did I even get here..? I tried thinking back through the events of the day until it finally clicked. I pushed my quirk too far and fainted, falling off the summit. I looked back at Katsuki, who was still sleeping peacefully. I guess he must've caught me.... I stretched out my arms and leaned over to tap Katsuki's shoulder. "Hey," I said, poking him. No response. "Heyyyy Katsukiiiiiii!" I said louder. He finally stirred and his eyes blinked open. As he woke up, he noticed me and his eyes widened for a second, just staring at me momentarily before pulling me in for a hug. Now it was my turn for my eyes to go slightly wide. "K-Katsuki?" I asked, hugging him back after a second. 

"I thought I wasn't gonna make it, and technically I didn't... Shoji did." He said, muffled as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I tightened my hold on him.

"I'm sorry... for scaring you. And making you worry. I'm okay now though." I said, trying my best to reassure him; I could feel him slightly shaking, he was tense. I nuzzled my face into his shoulder and started rubbing circles on his back. He started to calm down at that. But then we were suddenly startled by someone clearing their throat. Katsuki and I let go of each other, and looked at the doorway to see Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Ochaco, and Tsu. 

"We interrupting something??" Mina said, wiggling her eyebrows, and for extra dramatic effect, she came up to my and elbowed me in he side. I rolled my eyes.

"Tch." Katsuki let out, crossing his arms and scowling.

"Wow I see how it is Mina-chan, I almost die and your first question is if I was about to be 'getting any'." I put into air-quotes. Everyone just stared at me for a second before I heard Ochaco trying to supress a laugh, along with Kaminari struggling to do the same. I guess they weren't expecting me to be so forward and blunt. I mentally shrugged. 

"Um well.. it was a joke but uhhhhhh.... anyways, how are you feeling (y/n)-chan?" Mina said, changing the subject. 

"I'm fine. A bit of a headache, but otherwise I think I'm all good. Sorry to worry all of you." I said, bowing my head a bit in apology. They all assured me that as long as I was okay I had nothing to apologize for. That was when Aizawa-sensei opened the door and walked in a couple of feet. 

"So, how are you feeling Okumura?" He asked, stepping close to me to examine if I had any external injuries. 

"A little tired and a bit of a headache, but otherwise I think I'm fine." I said, going to stand up, but instantly falling to the ground, or in my case falling into Katsuki's arms as he caught me. Aizawa-sensei let out a loud sigh.

"No more training for the day Okumura, rest up so you can join training tomorrow."

"What?! I'm sure I'll be fine for afternoon training, that's in a couple hours."

"Okumura." He said sternly. "No training for the rest of the day and that's final. Alright?" He waited for me to solemnly nod in disappointment, before he nodded to himself. "Okay, break ends in 15 minutes so make sure you're all out front by then. And will one of you supervise Okumura during training, you'll have to miss the exercise too." Aizawa-sensei said, facing the group.

"I ca-" Mina started but was soon interrupted.

"I'll do it." I looked at Katsuki. He looked set in what he said. 

"No, you should get more training in, I've already made you miss enough of it Katsuki." I turned to face Aizawa-sensei. "Sensei, I don't need anyone to supervise me, I'll be fine." I said, trying to convince him by standing up. I was wobbly albeit, but I was still standing on my own nonetheless. He sighed, taking a look up and down almost like he was expecting me to fall on my ass. 

"Fine, but you're gonna be sitting by me while the others train so I can keep an eye on you." 

"Okay sounds good sensei!" I saluted to him before standing up straight and stretching. He left the room, leaving us to ourselves. We talked for the remainder of the 15 minutes about random things like our favorite foods and things like that. 

"Uh guys we should head out now." Kirishima said, walking towards the door. The rest of us trailed behind him, following towards where the rest of the class was. When we made it outside, Aizawa-sensei beckoned for me to go stand by him, so I walked away from everyone and made my way over. He then gathered everyone's attention to explain what they were doing this time.

"Okay everyone, for this next activity I want you to partner up." Immediately I noticed how everyone was scrambling to find a partner, it looked kinda funny seeing them all frantic like that. "Now, once you have a partner this is what you're going to do: you're going to have sparring matches and go to best out of 3 rounds. This is going to be a tournament style thing so come line  up and tell me your partner so I can make a chart. When you've decided the winner come tell me and wait til the next match up is ready. Oh and one more thing," He paused for effect "no quirks." 

"WHATTT??" the whole class exclaimed, surprised and semi-disappointed. 

"You're not always going to be able to use your quirk. For instance, when facing my quirk or like what happened with the whole Overhaul/Eri thing last year." I noticed a lot of the class shudder at that reminder of what went down with the poor child last year. "So we need to train you to be able to fight hand-to-hand combat without depending on your quirk all the time." He went on to explain. "So everyone line up so we can get started."

meeting 𝓱𝓮𝓻 - katsuki bakugo x fem. readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt