11 - Class Training Day

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(y/n)'s POV

"Alright everyone, listen up." I looked up and Aizawa-sensei had a serious look on his face. "The majority of you know what's about to happen, but we're gonna go to a training camp.. hopefully things will go a lot better than last year.." He started trailing off and some of the students groaned. As I looked around the room, I noticed that some of my classmates shuddered. Then it hit me, the League of Villains ambushed the classes at the training camp last year. I glanced over at Katsuki in front of me, and he was just sitting there. He looked really tense though. He was the student that got kidnapped that time.. I leaned forward and tapped his shoulder, he immediately relaxed a little bit and turned his head to face me. I gave him the "yo, are you good?" look, and he nodded and faced forward. "Anyways, we're gonna leave for the camp tomorrow. So tonight pack up. We're only gonna be there for two nights so pack accordingly." I started thinking about the kinds of things I should be packing. I have no idea what kinds of things I should take.. I started getting a little panicky. "Now, for class today, go get changed into your gym uniforms. We're going out to the field and we're gonna be training in pairs. Now get up, change, and meet at the field." As everyone started getting up and making their way to the door, I realized I had no idea where the locker rooms with our gym clothes were. I quickly rushed over to Ashido and Uraraka, who were already at the door way. 

"Hey, Ashido-chan, Uraraka-chan!!" They both turned around to face me, smiling at me.

"Hey Okumura, what is it?" 

"Could you guys show me where the locker rooms are? I have no idea where to go.." I said as I scratched my chin and gave a nervous smile. 

"Of course! Oh and you can just call me Ochaco, okay?" My eyes widened a little bit. 

"Yeah and you can just call me Mina!" I looked at the both of them and smiled.

"Okay cool.. Ochaco and Mina!" I said grinning. We started walking to the locker rooms and just as we turned a corner and I was a step behind Mina and Ochaco, I was yanked back really hard and shoved against the wall. "What the fu-", a hand covered my mouth and I heard the person shush me. I looked up to the see the person that just pulled me away, and it was Katsuki. As I shoved his hand off my mouth and was about to speak, he put a finger to my lips as he peeked around the corner. I heard Mina's voice.

"Hey, where did Okumura go?" 

"Ah oh my gosh how did we lose her?? Where could she have gone?" Ochaco started freaking out.

"I'm sure she'll be fine... but really how could we lose her..."

"Should we look for her?"

"Nah, I'm sure she'll find her way to the locker rooms, and we don't wanna be late."

"O-okay..." Then I heard their footsteps getting further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. Katsuki removed his finger.

"Katsuki, what was that for? We're gonna be late.. again." I said looking up at him. He smirked and leaned down so we were staring each other in the eye. Then he grinned and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Don't think I'm just going to forget about what you wrote on that note (y/n).. We're not just gonna brush past that." He whispered and then chuckled when he saw how hard I was blushing.

"K-Katuski, not right now okay, let's just get the the locker rooms and head to the field. I don't wanna piss off Aizawa-sensei more." I said as I pushed him away and walked past him. 

"Tch, okay but expect me to bring it back up later." He said strutting up to me. 

"Okay okay whatever, now where are the locker rooms?" I asked as I started looking around the halls. 

"This way, dumbass." He said as I tilted his head to the left and took a turn. We walked for another 30 seconds until we found ourselves at the locker rooms. 

"Okay thanks Katsuki." I said as I was about to walk into the girls' locker rooms, but Katsuki grabbed my hand gently. I turned to face him. "Yes...?"

"Be my partner for training." He said.

"Hm, what's the magic word?" I said taunting him. He rolled his eyes and sighed a little bit.

"Tch... pLeASe??" He said mockingly. I started laughing. "What?" He asked, upset.

"It's nothing, that was just kind of funny." I said while wiping away a small tear. He just sighed. 


"Yes of course Katsuki." I said. He gave me a small smile and let go of my hand. 

"Meet you back here when we're done." He said turning into the boy's locker room. I turned into the girl's locker room and saw that all the other girls from our class were just about finishing up changing. Ochaco and Mina noticed me and ran up to me.

"(y/n) where did you go? We lost you for a second there." Ochaco asked me.

"Oh, I uh just got a little distracted, but I found my way here so it's fine." I started to walk over to where my gym uniform was stored. Most of the girls walked out already at this point, but Ochaco and Mina stood there. "You know, you guys don't have to wait up for me, I'll be fine." I said looking back at them. 

"R-really, you sure girl?" Mina said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I wouldn't wanna make you two late. Go on!" I said as I started to change into my uniform. 

"Okay, if you say so, we'll see you out there then!" They said as they waved and walked out. I finished changing, put my clothes away, then re-tied my hair.

Bakugo's POV

I finished changing and walked over to the girls' locker room and leaned against the wall just outside it. I closed my eyes for a moment. "Hey there stranger, ready to go?" I heard her voice and opened my eyes and looked at her. I just stood there staring for a second. Damn, she's fucking gorgeous.. "What is it Katsuki?" She said stepping closer. 

"Uh, it's nothing." I said, shoving my hands in my pockets as I walked past her. The gym outfits are usually fucking boring and ugly as shit, but somehow (y/n) pulls it off.. "Let's head to the field now dumbass."

"You know my name Katsuki." She said as she skipped up to me.

"Tch." I said turning my head away. Then I felt a peck on my cheek. I quickly turned to face (y/n), who had a wide smile on her face. "W-what was that for?" I started blushing.

"Haha, nothing. I like you Katsuki, is it wrong for me to show it?" She just kept walking, but I paused for a second. Then she turned to face me. "Hey, everything okay Katsuki?" She asked, tilting her head. Fuck... I walked up to her, closing the distance, and pulled her into a kiss. After I pulled away she said, "K-Katsuki.." I just smirked back at her. 

"Maybe we should head to the field now." I said as I started leading her to the rest of the class. Just as we turned the corner, she ran right past me.

"RACE YA!!" She yelled back at me. 

"OH IT'S FUCKING ON!!" I yelled as I started sprinting after her. It only took us about 45 seconds to get to the field. As we reached the home stretch, She was only a few inches ahead of me, and I grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to me. She started giggling a little bit.

"Ha, I still won. That's 3 for 3 now." She said smiling. As I was about to say something back, I heard someone clear their throat. We both turned to see Aizawa standing there staring at us, arms crossed, and the rest of the class were just staring with their eyes wide. I saw Kirishima, Mina and Ochaco snickering a little bit. That's when I realized that I was still holding onto (y/n). I quickly let her go.

"You guys are late again. Now," he turned back to our classmates, "Everyone back to training." Then he turned back to face me and (y/n). "You guys, do I need to separate you?"

"No sensei." (y/n) bowed.

"Alright, you two start training. First warm-up and then sparring. Now move it!" 

meeting 𝓱𝓮𝓻 - katsuki bakugo x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now