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"Eri-chan..." Anko whined as she constantly questioned whether or not she should succumb to the moment. She wasn't one for serious relationships, but Eri was wasn't the type of person she'd just hook up with. Eri was "wifey" material, and she didn't want to take advantage of that, nor did she want to let it go.

Eri was someone Anko could really fall for, if she wasn't already. And, she was clearly humoring the mischievous woman's flirtatious advances.

But they were so drunk to the point that no coherent decision could be made. Instead, Eri ended up falling forward and resting on Anko's chest. She nuzzled into the other woman's warm chest and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Anko wasn't one to complain, either.


While Kakashi couldn't send one of his dog summons after Anko and Eri and get away with it, he did have a few constantly patrolling the village borders so that he would be the first to know when his beloved returned.

And he was. As the two kunoichi approached the Konoha gates, his ninken gave him the message. After a moment of overwhelming excitement, he sat for a few more minutes in confusion and with a loss as to what he should do. He had thought through being one of the first people to greet Eri and what it would be like to see her again, but he hadn't figured out exactly what to do when he saw her.

He settled for casually "crossing paths" with her and Anko as they reported back to Tsunade. Maybe then he could invite her to dinner with him right after, just to spend more time with her.

But what was also circling within his head was if she remembered anything. He knew that if she just remembered what they had and who they were to each other, all his turmoil and uncertainty would go away and everything would fall back into place. But, who's to know if and when she'd regain her memory?

Anko and Eri waited inside the Hokage's office as she was out doing who-knows-what. There was an underlying tension between the two. 

Anko had seemed distant since the drunken night. She had pulled back on how much she was flirting with Eri to the point where she would assume it was just "joking around" if it weren't for the blatant flirting that happened before then.

It wasn't until it was gone that Eri realized how much she was enjoying that kind of attention from Anko, and she wanted it. So, she continued to flirt with the taller girl, and no matter what she did, she didn't push away her advances, which certainly weren't as heated as Anko's original ones.

But now, they had been traveling and arrived back at the village with no closure nor developments, but it was obvious each of them were feeling each other throughout the entire mission. Eri wondered if perhaps it was just a fun way to kill time while they were away, although for her, for as long as she could remember knowing Anko, she always found the mischievous kunoichi particularly intriguing, and that attraction only grew over the course of the trip.

Tsunade was late and Eri was frustrated and confused while Kakashi was eager to just say "hi" again to the girl who looked at him as just-barely-more-familiar-than-a-stranger.

She leaned back on the desk with a heavy sigh. 

"What's up?" Anko turned towards her, hearing the urgency in her exhale.

"Anko, what do you want from me?" Eri furrowed her brows and frowned.

"What do you mean?" The violet-haired woman was caught off-guard by Eri's intensity, but matched it anyway. She responded with a closed-eyed smirk and shifted her wait to one hand resting on the desk by the other girl's side.

Eri grabbed onto Anko's necklace, physically pulling her closer to her and forcing her to meet her serious dark eyes. 

Anko blinked with shock and tried to stifle the emotions that became visible in the redness on her cheeks while Eri was filled with determination.

"Eri-chan..." The typical overwhelmingly confidant woman's voice cracked as she tried to make sense of what Eri was doing; and the fact that it seemed that she wanted the same thing.

Unwavering, Eri said, "Kiss me."

safety [Kakashi Hatake x OC]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum