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Eri walked the streets of Konoha by herself. The sun was setting over the trees that were beginning to see a hint of yellow at the end of summer. There was a gentle wind in the air, and she was reminded of how beautiful the village was. It was so peaceful and quiet, but still lively nonetheless. It was full of bright characters and genuinely kind people, which was vastly different from her experience in Kirigakure. Even considering the events of the previous night, she felt safe, comfortable, and home

The short but rewarding walk left her delighted and hopeful for her future, but she was also relieved to come home to Kakashi who was her true security. She flung the door of his apartment open to find him lying on the couch, casually reading one of his Icha Icha novels.

She greeted him with a blissful grin and muttered, "I'm home." 

The man sat upright and returned her generous warmth. "Welcome back. Did you enjoy your independence?"

Far more elated than she had been in a while, she let herself act on her emotions, letting all logic and reason subside for a few moments as she crawled on the couch. She bit her lower lip seductively as a playful fire lit her dark orbs. "Oh, yes." She hummed mischievously. "But don't worry," She pinched his chin and smirked, lifting her on chin to look down on him with a taunting atmosphere. "I did miss my babysitter."

"You did?" He raised a brow, matching her flirtatious demeanor. He did not see this side of Eri very often, but he was growing more eager to see it each time that he was gifted by its presence. 

"Just a little." She giggled. "But not enough to not be excited about my independence." She dropped his chin.

Before she could sit back in a light-hearted bliss, the white-haired man grabbed her wrist with one hand and the back of her knee with the other, easily flipping her over and pinning her down on the cushions.

He smiled with an equal mischievousness. "Well..." He lowered his body so that with every inhale, their torsos would touch. His face hovered just above the thin stretch of skin of her neck, between her shoulder and chin. She couldn't turn to see him when he pulled down his otherwise immovable mask. "... I'll just have to make you miss me then." He whispered.

He didn't really do anything, but his breath so close to her skin made her erupt in tender chills and release a startled squeak. 

He chuckled, pleased with himself as the scene he was enacting was one he just read in his questionable "romance" novel. Although it ended much differently. The girl did, in fact, melt beneath the touch of the man in the story, but he didn't stop where Kakashi did. 

Kakashi merely put his mask back on and released Eri. They weren't close enough for that, yet. But they were still living together, and there were few things that made him happier than seeing her happy and excited. 

Despite the teasing and the playfulness, the two of them shared his bed again; and again, and again, and it became a nightly routine for them in the following weeks. The woman grew strangely used to finding herself waking up in the shinobi's strong arms. The first few days, it startled her, but it became a consistent comfort over time. She grew to actually like the sensation of being held by him. He was so strong - she knew that much - but he made her feel so safe, too.

While the man was happy for her and enjoyed seeing her embrace her independence, she wasn't just another civilian of the Leaf Village. She was a pretty young woman, and without Kakashi constantly around as her guardian, she certainly earned the eyes and attention of some of his fellow shinobi. It also was not public knowledge that they were living together, so it brought him a sense of security that no matter what, she would come home to him and him alone. 

Nonetheless, he felt the burn of insecurity in his veins as he went to meet her in the town one day. 

He finally saw her among the busier streets, leaning against the wall of a building with a bright smile, but he nearly choked on his breath as he saw a man standing close to her, grinning over her as they held a conversation. He was one of Kakashi's peers; another Leaf shinobi, but of a lesser rank. 

All that he was able to think was, 'Damnit, damnit, damnit...' Yet, he couldn't figure out why he was so annoyed by a simple, light-hearted-looking conversation.

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