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Kakashi swallowed nervously underneath Eri's tender and sensual touch, although he didn't dare fight back. He certainly enjoyed this little game of hers.

"Who do you think you are, touching me so familiarly in front of your highly impressionable students?" She frowned.

He smiled uncomfortably, a bead of sweat sliding down his face as he carefully thought through his every move. He wasn't sure if she was going to tease him back or pull out a kunai and threaten to slice his throat. He hoped for the first option, though. "You did start it." He reasoned with a light rasp in his voice.

"Fair point." She stated bluntly, not dropping her stern persona. "But in front of your students?"

"They didn't see anything."

"I completely lost my focus. You also made several comments about trying to cop a feel in front of your students."

"So, the problem here is not that I tease you - which you initiated in the first place - but that I did so in front of my students?"


"So, it's perfectly okay in private?"

"Not necessarily."

"Oh really?" He hummed in amusement, a playful look in his dark eye. "'Cause that's what you seem to be saying." He grabbed the hand that was under his chin and gently began to guide her backwards. He caught her other hand with a blissful, closed-eyed smile. He was careful not to entangle their feet as he led her back, step by step.

Her gray eyes were wide with surprise and a hint of cheeky curiosity. It only made the man want to push further.

"That's not what I said." Eri's voice became lower, quieter, and more humble.

"But it's what I heard." He taunted.

"I think that's called "selective hearing.""


The edge of the couch hit the back of the woman's knees, forcing her to lose her balance. She fell backwards, only to be held up by a strong hand on her lower back. He could probably feel her heart pounding just by touching her skin.

He suddenly let go of her, dropping her on top of the couch. "This game is pretty fun, though." He reassumed his casual and laid-back personality and left her on the cushions and going for the kitchen.

She laid there in defeat, bringing her knees to her chest and pouting, though unsure why she was feeling so many emotions at once. "It's not a game." She whined under her breath, though fully understanding that this little thing did seem like a game.

"Don't dish out what you can't take." Kakashi advised, still teasing a bit.

"Fair." She sighed.

Eri composed herself as the man cooked. She also felt comfortable in the kitchen, but she had been too busy wallowing in her embarrassment that she hadn't gotten up to help, and he was done by the time she was stable.

If this was a hint as to what living with Kakashi would be like, it was both nerve-wracking and exciting. It brought out a side to her she barely knew existed, much less was willing and able to act out.

He brought the food to the kitchen table, signaling for the girl to come over and eat with him, so she did with a stubborn attitude. It was her shyness getting the best of her because he had outwitted - or out-flirted - her.

"Don't be grumpy." He said with a gentle glint in his eye after a little while of silence.

"I'm not grumpy." She protested, only insecurely sinking further back in her chair.

"Then what else do you call this attitude you have?"

"Humiliation." She blurted, realizing the consequences of her confession afterwards.

"Ah." He hummed, trying to keep himself from brimming with pride over his success at returning her flirtatious game. Clearly, he was not successful in that aspect. "I am glad I exceeded your expectations." He teased.

Eri finally met his blissful gaze with wide, black irises. With the way he reacted to her unexpected forwardness, he did rise above how she'd expect any decent man to react. He never disrespected her, but he did joke and meet her advancements in his own way.

He must have gotten the ideas from his novels.

Rather than continuing to pout immaturely, she sighed and relaxed. "Guess I'll just have to change the expectations then."

"What do you mean by that?" Kakashi blinked.

"You'll just have to wait and see." She hummed tauntingly. She didn't even know what she meant, she just wanted to see a reaction he couldn't combat, and it worked.

Inthe man's eyes, however, this was becoming more and more like a story from his novelsand would certainly make a good premise for the author himself to draw inspirationfrom.

Inthe man's eyes, however, this was becoming more and more like a story from his novelsand would certainly make a good premise for the author himself to draw inspirationfrom

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