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Luckily, the two Leaf shinobi were able to keep from getting distracted until they managed to stumble into their enemy, literally.

They knew they were getting closer when the trembling in the earth became more violent. Even while they were steadied with chakra, their stability was hard to maintain. It was like the earth was trying to not just knock them to the ground, but to throw them off of it.

Finally, two isolated ninjas stood before them in a clearing. The trees around them had all been shaken from their roots and toppled over as the rocky ground was dangerously cracked. The two wore emblems and muted clothing of the Sand Village, seeming to be acting ninjas of their Kazekage.

But Konoha was on good terms with Sunagakure, so it didn't make sense.

There wasn't enough time to think before one of the opponents slammed his fists to the ground and sent a crack in the earth hurdling towards Kakashi and Eri, leading them to leap away as the earth ripped apart beneath them. The crack exposed nothing but vast emptiness under the surface; the darkness was blacker than black and the grave nothingness that oozed from the other-worldly crack was suffocating.

Not messing with the unknown jutsu, Kakashi lifted his headband from his eye, reveling his sharingan so that they wouldn't be caught off-guard.

But Eri had an advantage over the shinobi whose jutsu split the ground; she could hover above it and keep herself from falling. "I've got him." She declared confidently. "You get the other one."

"As you wish." Her partner hummed.

So, he took off towards the second ninja as she formed a hand seal and launched herself onto her invisible platform and headed towards her opponent.

It was clear that the Sunagakure shinobi wasn't expecting her to have such a jutsu that directly advantaged her over his own, but nonetheless, he was serious in defeating her. He paused from his earth-focused ninjutsu attacks and turned to more direct ones as he tried to bring her down from her place in the air.

"Why are you here?" She asked, but her voice was loud and demanding and sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Konohagakure deserves to sink into the ground." The Sand shinobi growled as the girl dodged a powerful kick.

"At least you're not trying to sleep with Eri." Kakashi sighed in relief as he was going hand-to-hand with his opponent. Most of their enemies through the years have been ones that were after his beloved in some shape or form.

The man that the white-haired Leaf ninja was facing gave a nasty smirk and threatened, "Once Konoha falls, maybe we will have our way with her; at least if that's what tortures the infamous Copy Ninja, Kakashi."

This, of course, angered Eri as she released a spiteful laugh. "Who do you think you are?" She spat and swung her leg around to land a heavy kick at the side of his head.

He caught it, and she jumped away, landing gently on the ground.

But she forgot the other Sand shinobi that she was supposed to be facing before getting angry and distracted. The surface beneath her suddenly disappeared. She wedged her heal in one side of the split earth before re-activating her ninjutsu and returning to her above-ground advantage. "Sorry, you're gonna have to try better than that."

"Kakashi-sensei! Eri-san! We're here to help!"

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