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"Well, well, what do we have here?" Asuma hummed bemusedly, pinching his cigarette between his teeth.

Kurenai's lips curved into a smirk as Kakashi and Eri exchanged a look. The black-haired woman then turned to her own companion in understanding.

Asuma stood with a confident, yet lazy posture and gave his white-haired friend a hefty pat on his shoulder. "My man," He declared proudly.

Kakashi's cheeky grin could be seen in the shape of his lips under his mask. He lifted a fist and bumped it against his jonin companion's. Eri rolled her eyes at the boys' immature congratulations, but nevertheless, she gave Kurenai a shy smile.

"I think it's a night for sake. Come on, Kakashi." Asuma dragged him off to pick up drinks for the four of them.

"Two years..." Kurenai shook her head with a chuckle.

"Oh, come on." Eri whined, rolling her eyes while feeling slightly judged.

"Oh, don't worry, you're not the one who I'm questioning." The dark-haired woman assured. "It took Kakashi two years before even trying to make a move."

"I mean, it's more of a recent development..."

"That perverted, closed-off, private man looked at you differently from the first day that he met you. Even in asking for clothes that you could use - before he knew who you were - his mind was always on you. We all saw it. We all knew something was different about you. We all just waited two whole years to see anything come of it."

"That can't be true."

"Trust me." Kurenai placed an assuring hand on the slightly shorter girl's shoulder. "We all know Kakashi. We all saw that you were special."

Something about what she told Eri made her shy. She drew her feet together and couldn't meet her friend's kind red gaze.

She chuckled gently. "Don't worry, it took a while, but he finally figured it out." Noticing that Eri's insecurity with the situation wasn't alleviated, the taller woman leaned back and assumed a more casual air. "But hey, we should go on a double date sometime."

The mauve-haired woman smirked and released a short laugh. "I have to go on an actual date first."

"Oh dear. Kakashi is slacking."

"Only in this one area, but he has time. I mean, it's still a new thing."

"Implying that he isn't slacking in... other areas?" Kurenai hummed bemusedly.

Eri's face became bright red as she flicked her dark gaze side to side, embarrassed and uncertain of how to respond. "Um, well - I, uh..." She struggled to find her words.

"What am I slacking in?" She was suddenly relieved, exhaling heavily as a strong hand cupped her shoulder. Alas, she was rescued from the uncomfortable conversation.

"You're hopeless, Kakashi." Kurenai grinned as Asuma took her side, drink in hand. "The least you could do is actually take the girl out before you sleep with her."

"I guess." The man in question shrugged and shoved his free hand in his pocket. "But we're out, now? Besides, the sexual tension was too intense to not act on."

"Kakashi!" Eri yelped.

"What?" He drawled carelessly. "It's not like it isn't true."

The girl pouted and the dark-haired man in front of her flashed a toothy grin, tracking entirely with her companions frame of mind.

"You can't honestly expect me to keep my hands off of someone so perfect." Kakashi stepped to the side so that he was directly behind her. He wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders and sat his chin on top of her head, resting his weight on her smaller body with a blissful, closed-eyed smirk.

Kurenai released an "aww" as if she had just watched a little brother grow up. She took in the moment warmly and leaned further into her own beloved.

It was a sweet moment. Kakashi and Eri were finally acting as a couple while enjoying the company of some friends that weren't students. They headed through the gates of the Festival, prepared to take on the lights, food, celebration, and excitement. They spent some time exploring booths and eating different foods. 

More than anything, Kakashi was proud to flaunt the beautiful young woman at his side. Her smile was the brightest he had ever seen, and everyone needed to see that he was the one that put it on her face.

All was light-hearted, warm, and lively.

Until a loud, explosive crackle echoed through the village. The rumbling could be felt through ground, stopping everyone in their tracks, leaving the previously bustling occasion eerily silent.

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