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Kakashi breathed out a low hum and gently pushed down on Eri's shoulders, returning her to her height so that she wasn't so close to him. If she was going to do this - which she always had, so he was sure that wouldn't change - he would not be able to control himself.

"Let's go for a walk." He declared with a closed-eyed grin, rushing from the isolate place of her apartment.

Eri locked the door and caught up to him. "Where are we going?"

He shrugged lazily. "Not sure."

"Huh, guess we'll know when we get there."

"I suppose."

The next few minutes were quiet as they ventured further from the lights of Konoha, and deeper into the expanse of the night sky. They seemed to be enveloped within the sounds of grasshoppers chirping, frogs croaking, nocturnal birds singing, and sounds of the night in the forest. It was somewhat ethereal and much more mystic than the active village itself.

Eri caught herself looking around in awe. She was so wrapped up in what was going on around her, she didn't notice that her tall, quiet friend had stopped. Her forehead bumped into his broad back, and she released a startled squeak.

Kakashi breathed out a chuckle. "Distracted?"

"A little." She giggled and rubbed her nose.

He grunted and had a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "It must be me."

"Don't give yourself too much credit." She rolled her dark eyes but wore a smirk anyway.

"You're the one that got distracted by me."

"I did not."

"Tell me, Miss Eri: was it my dashing good looks..." He paused, and within a second, the girl was on the ground, lying in a bed of lush, untouched grass with the questionable ninja looming over her. His legs were bent on either side of her hips. One of his large hands held her wrists above her head and another traced her side, from her her ribs down to her upper thigh. "... or..." He hovered at her ear, and she could feel his breath through his mask on her neck, lining her skin with chills. "... are you fantasizing about the unspeakable things I could do to you."

Heat radiated from Eri's body, but she didn't feel the need to push him away. Instead, she shivered and bit her lip. Not only was she not actively trying to free herself, but part of her - a very powerful part of her - wanted to succumb.

Then he broke his soothing, gentle strokes by squeezing the soft flesh of her thigh, shocking her from her trance-like state. With red-painted cheeks, she wore a suggestive, sly grin and narrowed her gaze. Her voice dropped a few pitches lower and she hummed, "Are you sure you're not the one fantasizing?"

"Never said I wasn't." He looked her directly in the eye, still kneeling over her smaller body, and measuring her next move.

"Fair. You do seem to be practically obsessed with me."

"Don't worry, you're obsessed with me, too. You just haven't realized it yet." He knew that she wouldn't understand, but he was waiting for the day, to the hour, to the minute, that she'd remember. But in knowing that she hadn't recalled anything from them becoming them, he decided that he was crossing the line.

With a sigh, the man rolled to the side, freeing her to sit up and have a real conversation. She could see the entire village from the hilltop, only decorated with a few yellow lights glowing through windows that lit up the place. As she dazed off into the warm, gentle hues of Konoha at night, he watched her to pick up anything alluding to her regaining her memories.

"Kakashi, you scare me."

safety [Kakashi Hatake x OC]Where stories live. Discover now