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Naruto and Sakura decided they wanted to get barbecue and dragged Kakashi and Eri along. The students claimed they were celebrating some sort of arbitrary thing that was fully understood as an excuse.

The blonde basically shoved drinks at the older ninjas as the four of them laughed and joked together, waiting for Kakashi to lose his cool. After one drink in, Eri's face was already flushed and she was obnoxiously giggly. She couldn't keep her glittering eyes off of the white-haired man.

She was still very coherent, just a bit smiley and goofy. Having mellowed her down enough and reminiscing of stories the woman couldn't remember, the pinkette ushered her off to the bathroom as girls did.

That left Kakashi and Naruto to themselves.

"So..." the nosy boy began, knowing this was his moment, "how's it going with Eri-san?"

The older man raised a suspicious and avoidant brow. "Aren't you a little young to know about your sensei's love life?"

"Former sensei." Naruto corrected with little emotion.

"Ouch, that hurts." He feigned an injury to his chest.

"Which totally justifies me to ask about you and Eri-san."

"That's suspicious logic, Naruto."

"Have I ever had non-suspicious logic?"



"She hasn't regained her memories."

"But you seem very happy. At least a lot more than last time we talked about this."

"You're correct."


"And what?"

"You're avoiding the question, Kakashi-sensei."

"What question?" The man suppressed a chuckle, enjoying sending his former pupil in circular thoughts.

Naruto groaned and Kakashi cracked a smirk beneath his mask.

Nonetheless, the white-haired shinobi did realize that it was becoming time for he and Eri to become much less elusive about their relationship. They lived together - some knew about that but many didn't - and were together, and he wanted others to know about it. She was the most important thing to him.

The blonde continued to attempt to bicker with the stoic man, but he became trapped within his thoughts of his beloved.

And as soon as she came back into the room, she took his entire focus.

Without saying another word to the constantly babbling Naruto, Kakashi got up and strode across the floor.

Eri stopped when she saw him coming towards her with intensity in his steps, and Sakura hung a little ways behind her, also watching what was happening.

Once the determined man was a single step away from her, he cupped both of her warm cheeks between his hands, and before anyone could see his briefly exposed face, he kissed her.

For everyone - at least those that were at the restaurant - to see.

The surprised girl made startled chirp, then easily melted into his lips.

Unable to ignore what was happening before them, all of the customers started to clap slowly, and that slow clap turned into an applause, then a cheer as Naruto shouted, "Hell yeah! It's about damn time!"

Sakura's grin was as bright as her innocent and optimistic green eyes.

Unfazed by the audience, Eri giggled when Kakashi let go of her. "That was hot." She mentioned light-heartedly.

"Sorry, didn't warn you about that one." His cheeky smirk was already covered by navy fabric.

The girl shrugged nonchalantly. "It seems like it isn't a surprise to anyone."

"Eh, probably not."

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