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Just before Kakashi and Eri were about to reunite with the genin at the hot spring, the three of them - two of which were bubbling with giddiness - were walking back towards the rooms.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted with no concern for the people around him. "We're hungry!"

"Ah." The white-haired man hummed coolly. "I guess it's about time to get dinner."

"Can we go explore the town for dinner?" Sakura asked with hopeful green eyes.

"Yeah, let's all get ready to head out in a few minutes." The teacher agreed, granting final consensus.

Oblivious, the spunky young blonde cheered, "Yay! Ramen!"

Kakashi chuckled, "Naruto, we're not in the Leaf Village. Who knows if there's a ramen shop around."

So, they all dressed in their normal clothes to explore the peaceful Hot Water Village and find a place to eat. The man was relieved in an odd way when Eri dressed as she normally did. He told himself that it would keep her teasing from pushing him too far, but it only took a few minutes for him to realize that her clothing and the amount of skin that was exposed had nothing to do with his desire for her.

But having the young ninjas around did keep him from succumbing to his passions.

Yugakure was a pleasant and charming town, clearly meant to attract tourists and travelers. The primary road just outside the inn was lined with restaurants; some were fancy, and some were little stands on the roadside under a tent.

The genin excitedly floated from place to place, looking at the menus and food items available while deciding what they wanted. Once they all decided, Sakura grabbed Eri by the wrist and dragged her off to where she wanted to order from, away from the boys.

The woman was startled, but she still followed the bubbly pinkette. Kakashi was letting her go, so he must have been okay with letting her out of his sight if she was with someone he trusted. Although, she never got the impression that he didn't trust her, either. He was just doing as the Hokage said.

Naruto glared quizzical blue daggers at the white-haired jonin. His eyes were squinted and he frowned bitterly, trying to make himself seem superior and more aware than his stoic peer and teacher.

Kakashi raised a brow and hummed questionably, asking, "What are you doing, Naruto?"

"Hm..." The blonde hummed, pinching his chin in a fashion that was much too dramatic for his character.

Sasuke sighed, impatient with the lack of progress. He shoved his hands in his pockets much like his mentor often did and bluntly confessed, "We want to know if you like Eri-san."

"Of course I like her." The man didn't hesitate to answer, though he was aware that he did not give them the specific answer they were looking for.

"Kakashi-sensei." Naruto shook his head in disappointment. "We're talking about if you like like Eri-san, not just if you 'like' her." He rolled his eyes. "We all like Eri-san."

"These are adult questions you two are simply too young to understand." Kakashi deflected.

"That's an obvious 'yes.'" Sasuke scoffed.

"I dunno, Sasuke." Naruto pressed. "He didn't really admit anything."

As if on cue, Sakura and Eri returned to them with some food, but not enough for all of them. But Kakashi was quick to grab the woman's wrist and wrap another arm around her waist and lead her away from his students, leaving the food with them as they went to another stand to retrieve more. He was not used to the younger boys drilling him on such things, nor anyone pressing him for such personal information, and he was very eager to get out of it. 

"I just got food!" Eri protested as they walked away, leaving the genin surer than ever that there was something going on between them.

"We need more." He didn't let go of her as they turned off a corner of the main street. 

"Someone is acting strange." She pouted.

"Ah, sorry, sorry." He released her and gave a closed-eyed grin. "I was just suddenly very eager to get away from my students."

"Mhmm." She brushed off her clothes that had been disheveled from the forceful pushing and pulling.

"I'm rather aware that I enjoy your company much more than theirs."

"Being around kids all the time can certainly be exhausting. You're like their dad, in a way."

"I guess so." He placed a sturdy hand on the top of her head, gently rubbing his fingers within her mauve-colored strands. "I can't wait until after this mission and we can just go home together at the end of the day." He confessed much more candidly than he would have cared to.

Eri looked at him with wide, dark eyes, unsure what to make of his oddly forward comment. She saw herself and her lack of trust granted from the Hokage as a burden on him. She was something that he was forced to take care of and look after. But there was a fluttering sensation in her stomach, rising to her chest. 

Then, she smiled brightly and poked his forehead plate with enough force to push him back on his heals. In reality, however, she couldn't come up with a proper comeback. Kakashi had successfully rendered her speechless and unable to tease him.

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